Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wed, 9/4/24, Read my Bible, took a shower, went to therapy, got discharged today Yay! Met Bill at theater after therapy and saw the Forge ..excellent movie, Vikki came over, Rody went to Sue’s too make a video from her pictures for the memorial service for Charlie, worked on blogs

Kit Kat watching Vikki and I on the swing as we talked

Vikki came over after she dropped the kids off at church.  Bill was mowing the grass and I was sitting on the deck.  She came and sat with me and visited.  Bill got done and came out too.
We stayed out there til 9:00.  So nice and relaxing and a great temperature tonight.  Vikki left to go get the kids and said they made Isaac a team leader for the youth.  He was doing a great job at it when she picked him up.  I am so proud of him! 
My hand today.  I got discharged from therapy and she said I’m doing phenomenal again today.  Yay!  Thank You Jesus!
My hand before surgery

Got up and did my hand exercises right away.  We read our Bibles and listened to worship music.  I walked around outside and saw my bubbler for the fish pond had the tube disconnected.  I connected it and then got some fish food and fed the fish.  They were all doing good and were hungry.  

Went to therapy at 2.  She took measurements in my hand and said most every one was normal and the strength ones were a little off but will improve as I use my hand.  She was impressed that I can lift a 24 pack of water bottles and a 36 pack of pop cans.  She discharged me and gave me a big hug and told me to email her even if it’s a while down the road if I need her to answer any questions.  She was so sweet.  I gave her a really good review.  We had talked about the Lord and she told me she liked being non denominational and having a relationship with Jesus and following the Bible.  I told her I was going to meet Bill after my appointment at the Goodrich Emagine Theatre to watch “The Forge”, A Hendrick Brothers Movie.  We got done 10 minutes early, so I got to the movie theater right on time.  Bill was inside waiting for me.  We both thought it was a great movie.  I needed tissues a few times.  

After the movie, we went to Culver’s and got kids hamburger meals.  After we ate those,  Bill went up and got our free Sundae Scoops.  Yum!  We came home and Bill started mowing the grass.  I moved the live trap and also moved our Trump sign to the porch so he wouldn’t have to stop and do it while he was mowing.  Vikki called and talked for a while.  She was dropping Peyton and Isaac off at out church for youth group.  I told her she should stop over and she said she was going to.  We sat on the swing on the deck and listened to a new Hillsong worship album.  Bill finished mowing the grass and came and sat on the deck with us.  Vikki’s alarm went off, so she had to leave and go pick up the kids.  Bill and I sat out until after dark, then came in the house.  I worked on getting more blogs done to catch up.

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