Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday, 9/19/24, Dropped off Sarah’s baby shower gift at church, left for St. Helen, set up camper, visited with Julie and Phil, Mel and

Mel and Betty and Kathy during our dinner at the FireHouse Bar and Grill.  Mel took the rest of the
Bill, Phil and Julie
Jeff, me and Bill

Got ready, packed last minute things, loaded motorcycle on trailer, fed fish and birds, then left for St. Helen.  I got to the end of our road and realized I didn’t have my phone, so we went around the block, then Bill parked on the road in front of our house and I went in fast and got my phone.  Another beautiful day, so we enjoyed our ride up north. Still not a lot of color, but a few really pretty trees.  We got to the campground and Julie and Phil had just pulled in ahead of us.  We all set up our campers and then we went to their campsite and hung out and talked.  Mel and Betty got there shortly after and came and sat with us after they set up too.  Kathy and Jeff got here around 4:30.  We all went to the Firehouse Bar and Grill for dinner.  We had to wait a long time for our food, but it was really good when we finally got it. 

We came and all sat around the campfire when we got back.  Jeff and Kathy didn’t come join us.  We came in around 10 pm and played 3-13.  I lost.  Winner picks up!!! Bill has been doing a lot of picking up lol. Bill read his Bible in the morning and I read mine on the way up north.

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