Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thurs. 9/26/24, I met Cassy for Coffee, went to Melissa’s, went to Culver’s and used coupons for free meal, worked on edging garden, Vikki came over, we had a nice visit and then went to an Estate sale, Bill picked Max up, to Old Town Drive In for hotdogs, worked on CMA pictures for when we go to Arkansas

Bill and Max Skeet Shooting...skeet is in the air to the far right...Max shot 23 out of 29.  He is really improving.  Something ate on a small pumpkin in our garden.  Bill let set it up on the target stand and let him shoot it.  They called me over to watch.  I sure teased Max about that and had him laughing.
My flower garden was in desperate need of edging.  I finally could use my hand to do it and got it almost done (below). Bill was taking Max home, and wanted me to go to Old Town for a hot dog and root beer.  Max wasn’t hungry so he didn’t want to go.  It sure tasted good.

 Bill got ready and left at 8:45 to go help paint the playground equipment at church.  I wondered why he didn’t have old paint clothes on, but then decided he’s usually pretty neat so maybe he can paint with out getting it on him like I do.  I met Cassy at Biggby at 9:30.  We ordered coffee and then got to know each other better while we visited.  She is the head of the children’s ministry and does an amazing job.  She is only 27 and has lots of responsibility, but loves the Lord, loves the kids and is very mature.  We must have visited for 1 1/2 hours while we drank our specialty brews.  I had a pumpkin spice latte that was delicious.  We got to share our testimonies and what God has done for us, then before we left she prayed for me and I prayed for her.  She also shared how she loves Peyton and Isaac and shared some special things they have done at youth group.  She is just the nicest person.  She said she asked me for coffee, so we could get to know each other better and know how to pray for each other.  After I left there, I called Melissa since I was in town.  I picked her up and we went to Culver’s and used 10 coupons for a free meal.  We had a nice time visiting too.  We went to a couple of garage sales afterwards, then I dropped her off at home.  

When I got home, I started edging the flower garden.  It had really grown over!  I was so happy to be able to use my hand to shovel.  I took a break and used the blower to clean leaves off the deck.  One battery died, so I used the other blower.  I got almost done and that one died too.  I kept turning it on after a few minutes and it would run enough to do a little more.  I did it a few times and got it pretty much cleaned off.  I started edging the garden again, and then Vikki called me to see what I was doing.  She wanted to come over which made me really happy.  I shoveled a little more then cleaned off the shovel and went in the house.  I turned the tv on to catch up on the latest with Hurricane Helene.....I sure am continuing to pray for people that will be affected by it.  Vikki got here and we had the nicest visit.  Then she showed me an Estate Sale in Freeland.  There were pictures of everything and I saw a concrete turtle and showed it to her.  She hadn’t seen that, so wanted to go there to look at it.  It was at a beautiful house on a small lake.  It was fun just seeing the house.  The turtle was gone, and the prices on stuff was pretty high.  We left as Vikki needed to pick Isaac up from school.  She dropped me off by our mailbox because the mailman had just gone, and then she headed to the school.  

Bill got here with Max and they went out to shoot.  I went out for a while and watched Max shoot skeets.  He sure is good at it.  I went in and got Max a Diet Coke and Bill a Propel drink.  Then I started working on edging the garden again.  If feels so good to be able to do it.  Bill and Max wanted me to come over and see Max shoot the pumpkin.  It sure blew off the target stand when he hit it.  

I just had a little more edging to do, when Bill called me to come in so we could take Max home.  Max took some packets of Oreo cookies we got at Costco with him.  We dropped him off and then went and had a coney dog, plus split another coney dog.  Bill had fries and they sure gave him a lot of them.  I didn’t order fries because I wasn’t that hungry, but he offered his to me so I ate a few.  We got everything to go because We got there at 7:23 and they close at 7:30.  We didn’t know that ahead of time.  It worked out good, because we could still sit there and eat it.  

We came home and I went through all my CMA pictures for the year of events we attended, did bike blessings and had booths at.  I put them in an album for Bill to go through because we have to send some to our National Evangelist for his presentation of each of his 9 states at the Colors Rally in Arkansas.

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