Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday, 9/8/24, Our 51st Anniversary today! So thankful God brought us together and has blessed our life together. Went to prayer, than church, Rehvyn went in the nursery with Peyton,then Maddy, Alec and the kids came over, Went to Lansbury to pick up a washer, dryer and stove someone is giving Melissa and Bruce

Brielle loved the barn yard toys
She’s two now
Mason is going to be 4 months 
Melissa and Evan relaxing while the guys loaded the washer, dryer, and stove in the trailer.  
Nice view from the deck
Me, Bill, Melissa, Evan and Bruce.  We stopped at Greg and Lou’s Restaurant on our way home.  I love their Slim Greg’s, like Big Boy slim Jim’s only even better.  Nice way to celebrate our anniversary.
Our friend Lisa from church got us this really great smelling candle for my candle melter.  We enjoyed it in the evening.  She got us some pretty Thanksgiving wooden decorations too.  Bill also got a couple of candy bars for his birthday...she had checked to see what his favorite are.  It was so sweet of her and the cards were just so nice.  She’s a great friend!

We went to prayer before church, than to our church service.  Worship was awesome this morning and the message was a great one.  Rehvyn went to the nursery before I got out of preservice prayer, and then Maddy and Alec can over to look at the washer and dryer we are selling, so we had to leave church before I could see Rehvyn because Vikki hadn’t picked him up yet.  She was helping Thomas in Sunday School so had to wait til she was done.
I missed seeing him, but I know he was in good hands.   Peyton loves being back there with the babies.

Maddy and Alec came over and liked the washer and dryer so will be getting it.  They came in and visited for a while which was nice.  Brielle sure love the toys.  I got to hold Mason for quite a while and Bill held him too.  We had a nice visit too.

We went to Bruce and Melissa’s afterward and we all rode in the truck to go to Lainsburg to pick up the washer, dryer, and gas stove.  We had fun riding together, except Evan’s legs were too long for the middle in the backseat.  We had some good snacks on the way.  Melissa brought some and I brought some.  We got to our destination and the guys loaded the washer, dryer and stove in the trailer.  We sat out on the deck while they did that.   We walked around the yard too and went through the house.   I let Evan sit on the side and I sat in the middle on the way home.  My legs fit good.   We stopped at Greg and Lous and enjoyed some good food and a good visit.  Bill and Bruce had breakfast, Melissa and Evan had burgers and fries/onion rings, and I had my Slim Greg.  Everything was so good.

We left and had a nice ride home.  When we got to their house, I got in my car and left for home.  Bill backed the trailer in the driveway to unload.  I decided to go to Pat’s to get some cards I need.  I still beat Bill getting home.  I saw that Kimmy had tried FaceTiming me a couple of times, so I FaceTimed her.  She and Jared were on their deck swing and wished me a Happy Anniversary.   We talked for a long time while we were all on our decks.  Then I was showing her how nice our electric grill fits on the stand we all got Bill for his birthday.
After that I went in the garage and showed her the new replacement grill for the one that melted.  As I was walking back in the house, I noticed roses and a card on top of a storage cart with drawers.   I was so surprised.  I took them in the house and was talking to Kimmy about them and called Bill to see if he was in the house, but no answer.  He listened to me telling Kimmy how sweet it was and how I hadn’t gotten him anything and told him so in the morning and he said he hadn’t either.  Then he said something.  I gave him a kiss and told him how much I loved the card and flowers.  I hung up from Kimmy and  went in and sat by Bill after putting my flowers in water.  I am so blessed with having Bill to do life with.  He is so good to me and is so caring.  Plus he loves the Lord so much and leads our household well with the love of Jesus.  


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