Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday, 9/15/24, packed camper and everything up, left campground and went to little church called Lakefield Baptist, good service, told everyone good bye an left for home, went to Vikki’s to see our sister, Tina, then came home and unpacked some things in the camper.

It was pretty hazy over the water....kind of hard to tell where the water ended sometimes
Freighter going under the bridge
Here we go the opposite way back to lower Michigan
We saw more color in the U P on the way home than on the way there,  So pretty
I was so happy to see Tina
Me, Bill and Tina at Vikki's
Vikki with Rehvyn and Aunt Tina watching
Rehvyn with Aunt Tina
Vikki, Tina and Kimmy
Us 4 girls with Rehvyn
Eli, Aunt Tina and Adam
Peyton, Aunt Tina and Isaac
Bill, Tina and Rody
Tina and Rody
Rehvyn on the Rocking Horse Kimmy and Vikki redone for him
Aunt Tina with Melissa, Evan and Jack 
Kimmy and Eli got in the picture
Adam driving Jared home

I got up at 7:15 and got ready and then washed the coffee maker and packed it, plus packed up the rest of what I could.  Bill got up at 8:30, got ready and then went outside to pack up the stuff out there.  Ron, Don and Jerry came over to tell us goodbye.  dd                                                                                                                                                                                                              We loaded the motorcycle and then went to dump the motorhome.  Then we drove to the church and parked in a good place where we could just pull out.  The church service and worship were good and people were so nice.  We left after service and started our way home.
It was another beautiful warm and sunny day.  We made one stop by a Shell Station by Mullet lake.  It was beautiful!  We had to cross the road and use the park restrooms.  They were very clean and nice and right on the water.  Angie called us while we traveled.  Then Tina called us.  She was waiting to hear back from Vikki, so I called Vikki while she was on the phone.  Tina was heading to Vikki’s house, so I let Kimmy and Melissa know because Tina wanted to see them too.  Bill and I came home, unloaded the motorcycle, parked the camper by the shed and plugged in electricity to keep the refrigerator and air condition running.  We are leaving again on Thursday, so leaving most everything out there.  
We headed to Vikki’s and walked in and got big hugs from Tina.  It was so nice seeing her and hanging out for a while.  We got hugs from Kimmy, Eli and Adam too because we haven’t seen them in quite a while since they’ve been sick and we were gone before and gone after.  So happy to see them too.  Jacob was in Lansing staying at a friends and going to his church there.  Got my hugs from Vikki, Peyton and Isaac too.  Melissa came before we got there and did an outside visit because her throat was a little sore and she didn’t want to take a chance and get anyone sick.  We got there after she left.  We took lots of pictures and are meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast at 9.

We unpacked a few things when we got home, then read our Bibles.  It was a great day.


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