Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday, 9/19/24, Dropped off Sarah’s baby shower gift at church, left for St. Helen, set up camper, visited with Julie and Phil, Mel and

Mel and Betty and Kathy during our dinner at the FireHouse Bar and Grill.  Mel took the rest of the
Bill, Phil and Julie
Jeff, me and Bill

Got ready, packed last minute things, loaded motorcycle on trailer, fed fish and birds, then left for St. Helen.  I got to the end of our road and realized I didn’t have my phone, so we went around the block, then Bill parked on the road in front of our house and I went in fast and got my phone.  Another beautiful day, so we enjoyed our ride up north. Still not a lot of color, but a few really pretty trees.  We got to the campground and Julie and Phil had just pulled in ahead of us.  We all set up our campers and then we went to their campsite and hung out and talked.  Mel and Betty got there shortly after and came and sat with us after they set up too.  Kathy and Jeff got here around 4:30.  We all went to the Firehouse Bar and Grill for dinner.  We had to wait a long time for our food, but it was really good when we finally got it. 

We came and all sat around the campfire when we got back.  Jeff and Kathy didn’t come join us.  We came in around 10 pm and played 3-13.  I lost.  Winner picks up!!! Bill has been doing a lot of picking up lol. Bill read his Bible in the morning and I read mine on the way up north.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wed., 9/18/24, Angie and Tina left for Kansas, made chili for chili cookoff, Vikki came over, went to Sue’s, Evan broke his ankle, filled motorhome with gas for 2.96 at Sam's

Bible reading on the deck in the morning
Found this cute acorn peanut feeder at Menards yesterday
Max and Papa working together
Peyton got to each lunch with Officer Jeff.  She was picked for being the good kid of the week.  I am so proud of her and how kind and respectful she is.

Love FaceTiming with Kenzie and Rehvyn
Rehvyn came crawling really fast to get the phone I was FaceTiming on
Poor Evan at Med Express.  He broke his ankle at play practice when he jumped off the steps
Wow, it’s really swollen. Ouch!
Home, on crutches and he’s always smiling

I hung the acorn peanut feeder I got from Menard’s yesterday up in the tree.  Then I picked vegetables in the garden in the morning.  Got lots of tomatoes, peppers and two big watermelons. I had chili made and simmering.   I pulled one onion to take camping with us too.  I came in and started. chopping onions and cutting green peppers up for the chili.  I peeled a couple of huge potatoes to dice and put in the chili.  Bill left at 11 to go pick up Max.  They came here to work on guns.  I gave Bill a bowl of chili.  Max wasn’t hungry.  I went out on the deck to read my Bible.  It was another beautiful day.  I packed a few more things in the camper for our camping weekend.  After I was done, I went to Meijer to get a few plastic containers to put the chili in.  I picked up four large ones and a couple of small ones.  Then I got gas at Sam’s Club.  I saw it went up at the two gas stations I passed and was $3.49 a gal.  When I got to Sam’s it was $3.05.  Much better!  I called Bill and told him and he an Max headed there to get gas too and it was still $3.05 .  Bill took Max home after that.  Kenzie FaceTimed me twice today.  I love seeing Rehvyn and all the cute things he does and I love seeing Kenzie too.  It makes my day!  Vikki came over after her doctor appointment and had a quick bowl of chili before she had to pick the kids up from school.  I was on stand by in case she needed me to pick them up.  She left to go get the kids.  I left and took some veggies to Lisa’s and then went to Sue’s and took her some chili and veggies too.  Charlie’s sister, Marsha got there right after me.  I visited with them for a while.  Sue is going to look at a Kitty tonight.  She may get it.  It’s grey and white and is really cute. It’s 3 years old, spayed and declawed.  Marsha was taking her to look at it.  

Bill and I went to get gas in the motorhome and it was $2.96 at Sam’s now.  Could hardly believe it.  That’s really good when you have to fill up a big motorhome.  We came home and Bill power washed the motor home and his motorcycle, I washed the awning and also washed the windows.  It was good team work.  

Melissa called me to see if I saw the pictures she sent me.  I hadn’t so she told me Evan broke his ankle and explained that he jumped off some steps at play practice and landed wrong on it.  I looked at the pictures and couldn’t believe how swollen it was.  My poor Evan.  The doctor is sending him to see an Orthopedic Surgeon.  Praying for him lots! 

Tina and Angie kept us posted on where they were on their trip home.  When they were 190 miles from Kansas City they stopped for the night. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

jTuesday, 9/17/24, Bill took his sister Carol to her dentist appt. with Tina, to Spatz Bread and Hillcrest Bakery, got groceries for camping, caramel apples from Jack’s, fed birds, watered plants

Melissa sent me these cute pictures of Jack, her and Evan

Bill and his 68 Corvette he had when I met him.  It was bright red but picture is old.  His arm is in a cast from his 35 foot fall onto cement at the plant where he worked.  I sure did love riding in this car.
This is right after I met him.
This picture came up in my memories today.  It’s me with my Sunday School Class.  Jack is right to the left of me.  He is 16 years old now.  Love all these kids who aren’t little anymore

 Bill left early to go take Carol to her 8:30 dentist appt.  Tina went with them.  After her appt., they went to Spatz Bakery for bread, Hillcrest Bakery for donuts.  Bill brought some home for me.  Yum!  I put worship music on.  Such great words to worship God with.  It sure makes a difference in my day and in my life.  

I went to Meijer and took pop cans back and got a couple things.  Then went to Jack’s to get burger for making chili, sirloin burgers and sunflower seeds for the birds.  Stopped at Melissa’s.  She came outside.  We talked for a few minutes.  She said her throat is hardly sore now and no other symptoms.  That made me so happy.  I dropped off 5 caramel apples from Jack’s.  I stopped at Menard’s after that and got a really cute acorn feeder for nuts and seeds.  It was the right price too.  Got some peanuts for it too.  

I ate the rest of my steak sandwich and had a donut.   I read my Bible out on the deck. Then I filled bird feeders, put water in bird baths and washed oriole and humming bird feeders.  I watered plants with the sprinkler.   Did some cleaning upstairs.  Did my hand exercises.  

Awesome how God has protected President Trump again.  Thank You Lord!  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, 9/16/24, Went to breakfast with Tina, Angie, Kimmy, Vikki,, and Bill, went to cemetery afterwards, Kimmy came over, I went to Brighton for my hand check up, went to Carol’s for Tony’s steak sandwiches


Tina, Bill and Angie at the Cracker Barrel

Me, Tina, Bill and Angie

Vikki, Angie, Tina, Me, Bill and Kimmy

Breakfast at Cracker Barrel....Vikki, Kimmy, bill, Me, Angie and Tina

Vikki, Angie, Tina and Kimmy

Debbie and Carol in front, Tina, Bill and Angie in back.  Bill 4 of his sisters.

We met Angie, Tina, Kimmy and Vikki at Cracker Barrel in Bridgeport at 9.  We got a table really quick, and had fun visiting and then had great food and coffee to enjoy while we visited more.  Vikki had to leave at 10:15 to go to work and Kimmy rode with her because her car was parked where Vikki works.  Bill, Tina, Angie and I went to the cemetery to find their mom, dad and brother Kenny’s graves.  It took a while, but we found them.  Bill and I headed home after that.  Kimmy got to our house about 2 minutes after we got there.  We hung out on the back deck while she was here.  We didn’t get hungry for lunch, because we were so full from breakfast.  Kimmy and I sat outside and Bill came home and said hi, then Kimmy had to leave to go to Jack’s to get meat before picking Adam up and I had to go to my appointment for my post hand surgery in Brighton.  Bill was going to meet his sisters, so I went by myself.  I had told him to visit with them because we only have 3 days to spend with them.  I got there, checked in (I had already preregistered online), sat down for 2 minutes and got called back in right away.  I was 15 minutes early too.  The girl took vitals and then put me in a room and said the doctor was finishing with a patient.  I waited about 5 minutes and he came in and checked out my hand.  He said it looks amazing and told me I don’t need to wear the splint to bed anymore.  He also said they like to see patients 3 months after their surgery date.  He set up an appointment, but told me if I’m not having any problems or pain, to just call and cancel the appointment.  I checked out and then left and set my GPS for Carol’s address, where Bill and his four sisters were meeting to eat Tony’s Steak sandwiches.  The traffic was crazy busy by the U of M Center, and it took a while to get two miles from it to the exit to the expressway, but once I was on the expressway the traffic was moving nicely.  I talked to Kimmy for half of the trip home so time passed quickly.  When I got to Carol’s, Bill was there and Angie and Tina were picking up our food.  Debbie came after she got out of work at 5:30.  We had a fun time and lots of laughs.  The food tasted so good.  It had been a while since all of us had had steak sandwiches.  Bill and I left at about 8:30 and so did Debbie.  I talked to Melissa on my way home. and then for a while after I was home.  Her dryer quit on her, so Bruce hooked her new dryer up for her.  She said it dries really fast and she really likes it.  Great timing to be blessed with an amazing washer/dryer/stove.  God’s timing is always right on time.  I read my Bible chapters.  God’s Word is so good!  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday, 9/15/24, packed camper and everything up, left campground and went to little church called Lakefield Baptist, good service, told everyone good bye an left for home, went to Vikki’s to see our sister, Tina, then came home and unpacked some things in the camper.

It was pretty hazy over the water....kind of hard to tell where the water ended sometimes
Freighter going under the bridge
Here we go the opposite way back to lower Michigan
We saw more color in the U P on the way home than on the way there,  So pretty
I was so happy to see Tina
Me, Bill and Tina at Vikki's
Vikki with Rehvyn and Aunt Tina watching
Rehvyn with Aunt Tina
Vikki, Tina and Kimmy
Us 4 girls with Rehvyn
Eli, Aunt Tina and Adam
Peyton, Aunt Tina and Isaac
Bill, Tina and Rody
Tina and Rody
Rehvyn on the Rocking Horse Kimmy and Vikki redone for him
Aunt Tina with Melissa, Evan and Jack 
Kimmy and Eli got in the picture
Adam driving Jared home

I got up at 7:15 and got ready and then washed the coffee maker and packed it, plus packed up the rest of what I could.  Bill got up at 8:30, got ready and then went outside to pack up the stuff out there.  Ron, Don and Jerry came over to tell us goodbye.  dd                                                                                                                                                                                                              We loaded the motorcycle and then went to dump the motorhome.  Then we drove to the church and parked in a good place where we could just pull out.  The church service and worship were good and people were so nice.  We left after service and started our way home.
It was another beautiful warm and sunny day.  We made one stop by a Shell Station by Mullet lake.  It was beautiful!  We had to cross the road and use the park restrooms.  They were very clean and nice and right on the water.  Angie called us while we traveled.  Then Tina called us.  She was waiting to hear back from Vikki, so I called Vikki while she was on the phone.  Tina was heading to Vikki’s house, so I let Kimmy and Melissa know because Tina wanted to see them too.  Bill and I came home, unloaded the motorcycle, parked the camper by the shed and plugged in electricity to keep the refrigerator and air condition running.  We are leaving again on Thursday, so leaving most everything out there.  
We headed to Vikki’s and walked in and got big hugs from Tina.  It was so nice seeing her and hanging out for a while.  We got hugs from Kimmy, Eli and Adam too because we haven’t seen them in quite a while since they’ve been sick and we were gone before and gone after.  So happy to see them too.  Jacob was in Lansing staying at a friends and going to his church there.  Got my hugs from Vikki, Peyton and Isaac too.  Melissa came before we got there and did an outside visit because her throat was a little sore and she didn’t want to take a chance and get anyone sick.  We got there after she left.  We took lots of pictures and are meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast at 9.

We unpacked a few things when we got home, then read our Bibles.  It was a great day.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday, 9/14/24, Breakfast at the church, amazing ride down West H58, ice cream stop, visit with Him and Bev at camper, dinner at church, drawing for quilt,then worship,

Cute picture Adam sent me
Bill, Ron, and Barb getting ready for our ride!
Susie was ready to ride too.  She’s such a sweet dog!
Bill in Grand Marais 
On our amazing ride!  It was just beautiful and curvy.  A lot like the Tunnel of Trees.  So much fun!  The round stickers on our windshield is for the bug run.  Whoever has the most bugs on the targets wins and gets the money sent into Run for the Son in their name.  Ron had a bug on his when we got back and so did we but his was definitely a bigger bug, so he won
Beautiful lakes on our 
Lake Superior Lookout
Barb, Ron, Judy, Val, Don, Bill and Jerry
Val had me get in and she took the picture 

Val got caught by the bear too lol

Ice cream stop, Cheryl, Arnie and Alice joined us there

Barb, Don and Alice at our ice cream stop
In the church parking lot for dinner
Dinner before the service was delicious.  They served roast beef, roast pork, chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, green beans, and lots of desserts.  The people from the church made it and even had a lady playing the violin while we ate.  It was so nice.  They actually used good china too!
Bill was the speaker for the evening and gave a great message.  He did an amazing job! I’m so proud of him!

Rehvyn and nana FaceTiming