Saturday, December 18, 2021

Sat., 12/18/21, Schaard Christmas Party at Debbie and Tom's

Travis and Kenzie
Debbie and Kenzie. Kenzie decorated this Christmas tree for her
The Schaard Christmas Crew...Jacob, Adam, Jared, Kimmy, Peyton, Eli, Shiraz, Vikki, Issac in first row...Kenzie, Travis and Rody in second row, Bill, me, Debbie, Matthew, Debbie, Sonny, Mike, Tom and Jean Rhodes

Isaac, Adam, Peyton and Papa Bill
Isaac, Peyton, Rody and Vikki
Peyton and Debbie
Vikki and Debbie
Peyton, Rody and Isaac
Jacob, Tom, Eli and Shiraz
Mike and Vikki
Mike, Jean, me and Bill
Isaac and Uncle Mike playing bingo
Everyone playing bingo...Jared calling the numbers
Adam's spot to play bingo
Jacob, Rody, me and Bill (Rody and I had the bad corner.  We didn't win until the very end just about.)  Jared on the left calling all the wrong numbers lol.
Matthew, Jared, Rody, Jacob and Adam eating dinner 

Me, Bill, Debbie, Mike, Jean and Debbie
Kimmy, Matthew, Jared, Rody, Jacob and Vikki with some bunny ears
Isaac, Peyton and Uncle Tom
Me and Kenzie

Matthew and Vikki
Kimmy and Vikki....Kimmy has bunny ears thanks to Jacob!
Isaac, Peyton, Rody and Jean
Tom and Debbie with their gifts
Bill and I with our gift from Debbie and Tom...Debbie in the middle
Jacob photo bombing...but at least I don't have bunny ears lol!
Kimmy and Vikki with their twin ornaments from Aunt Debbie (Debbie's in the middle again)
Adam, Travis, Peyton, Kenzie, Isaac, Aunt Debbie, Jacob and Eli with ornaments from Aunt Debbie
Debbie with ornament from Travis and Kenzie they made
Debbie and Isaac
Eli and Shiraz
Jacob and Adam
Debbie with goblet Travis made

The lights were beautiful in Frankenmuth.  It was snowing when we drove through!

Got up early to get the dip made for the veggies and then cut the veggies for the Schaard Christmas Party today.  Bill went to his Therapy Evaluation.  They said there is some improvement so that is good.  He got home and we did our reading and devotions.  We got to the party at 2.  Debbie surprised us and had Mike (our ex brother in law who we always loved and who just moved back to Michigan) and his wife Jean there.  We were happy to see them.  Kenzie and Travis were there already too.  Kenzie took my coat for me and got me a pop.  She was a very sweet hostess.  Kimmy and family got there right at the same time we did so the boys helped carry stuff in.  Debbie had her neighbor come over and take a family picture of all of us by the tree.  Then the kids all opened their ornament from Aunt Debbie because Kenzie and Travis had to leave at 3:30 to go to Omi's Christmas party.  Debbie asked me to mash the potatoes, but Kimmy and Jared always do it for me, so I asked them if they would.  It was a job believe me....Debbie asked me if they wanted to use a hand masher or a hand held mixer.  Neither one was a real good idea for all the potatoes that had to be mashed.  Kimmy spotted a Kitchen Aid Mixer and asked if they could use that.  Debbie said yes, but then couldn't find the right beater to it.  They ended up doing all those potatoes with a hand held small mixer.   They did a great job!  Debbie Minar made the gravy, and I washed the potato pot, beaters, strainer and some other dishes to get them out of the way while we were waiting to eat.  We ate and had a great chicken dinner with all the fixings.  Everyone loved the potatoes!  We all played fun games of Bingo then.  It took Rody and I forever to Bingo, but we finally did.  Everyone else said bingo lots of times.  Jared let Bill take over calling numbers.  In the end, Jared won the cover all and grand prize of $20.  We visited more and then all headed home.  Bill asked me if I wanted to drive through Frankenmuth to look at the lights which of course I said yes to.  Vikki called to see if we were ok.  There were lots of police cars and lights on the exit by 675.  I told her we were fine, then she called Kimmy to make sure they were ok.  We were happy to hear they were good.  There were two cars with very smashed front ends.  When she posted it on Facebook, she found out Kristen and her family from church was in the car in front of them and Vershon, Rody's cousin was behind them.  I sure am thankful none of us were involved in that accident.  I prayed for whoever was.  

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

Wow I didn't realize how many bunny ears Jacob was passing out. We sure gotta watch that boy!