Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday, 11/27/23, Bill went with Charlie for coffee, Roy and Marie and Vikki came for dinner, Bill bought the tree up, I spread out the branches while he went to an Elder's meeting


Our tree fits perfectly in this corner.  Why didn't we figure this out earlier.  Every year, we have moved the couch and loveseat around so the tree would fit in the other corner.  We also had to move end tables and the coffee table.  Now we only have to move one chair and we like it hear better.  This is the only picture I took today.  I only have the lamp there to see better when I work on the tree.

I got up at 5:30 and started the chicken cooking in the crockpot.  I went back to bed until 9.  I had my oatmeal and just had regular coffee this morning.  Bill and I read our Bibles and then Charlie picked him up.  I made brownies and just put a nut on top of each.  That way of the girls come, they can pick the nut off.  At 11, I cut up the chicken and put the soup in the crockpot.  Marie had a doctor appointment today, so I invited her and Roy to come for lunch today.  I texted Vikki to see if she could come too.  I cooked the noodles and peas and added them to the crockpot.  Bill got home.  Vikki texted to say she was on her way.  She got here a little while before Roy and Marie.  She said the sidewalk was icy, so I went out into that freezing weather, 25 degrees and very windy, and put salt down.  Marie and Roy pulled in while I was doing that, so I just had them come in through the garage.  They visited in the family room while I got the coffee and tea poured.  We all ate and enjoyed our time together.  They liked the casserole and took seconds.  That made me happy.  Vikki made me sit and visit while she cleaned up the table and kitchen.  So sweet of her.  We all went back in the family room and sat and visited a long time.  Vikki had to go get the kids from school.  Marie and Roy were ready for dessert, so we all had the brownies.  Vikki had some before she left.  It was such a nice day.  Bill brought the Christmas tree up from the basement for me.

In the evening, Bill went to an Elder's meeting and I spread out all the branches nicely on the tree.  That always makes it look better.  Tomorrow it will get decorated.  We sure are enjoying having this electric fireplace in the living room on these cold days.  

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