Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tues., 11/21/23, Jared picked up piano, Melissa came over, went to prayer, Bill picked Max up and hung out with him


Melissa warming up by the fire
Me with Badger snuggling next to me

Set my alarm at 7:30 so I would be up when Jared came.  I packed the piano in a garbage bag and took it downstairs.  Also took the folding stool that goes with it.  Started taking the bolt out of the stand so I could fold it.  Jared came and finished taking the bolt out and brought the stand downstairs.  He put all of it in his car and then left.  Bill got up and took the garbage out.  I went back to bed til 8:30, then I got up, put Kit Kat's food outside for her, and had my morning oatmeal and cappuccino.  Made my cappuccino with chocolate truffle coffee and it was delicious.  Bill and I both read our Bibles.  

Bill went into town and got a new lights for my car.  He came home and put it in for me.  My regular lights were bad and I could hardly see to drive.  I drove with my bright lights on.

I called to set up my colonoscopy.  Not my favorite thing.  Had to research my chart to answer some of the questions they said I would have to answer when I set it up.  The girl told me I only need to drink half the stuff which is great news.  Can't get in until February.
Melissa got here just as I was finishing the call.  She brought Badger with her.  I had him do some tricks and gave him treats.  He is such a great dog.  Melissa and I hung out together and transferred Max's senior pictures onto Bill's computer so I could air drop them to Melissa's phone.  Then I sent the folder to my phone, so when it is time to run them off, I have the originals.  Rody gave Melissa the thumb drive.  We watched the home videos I watched with Kimmy and Vikki the other night.  Melissa loved seeing them too.  She stayed til about 5:30, then left.  Bill went to pick up Max.  I ate leftovers and got ready to go to prayer.  Worship and prayer were awesome.  We prayed over Cassy who is over the kids ministry of ages 4/5-12 years.  She is new at it and has such a love for the Lord and for the kids.  It was dark when I drove home and my lights worked great.  Thank you so much Bill!

Bill got home shortly after me.  He had to fill his pill boxes, then put kernels in the kernel burner, then came in and relaxed in the loveseat recliner.  I had his electric throw all heated up for him.  

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