Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday, 7/29/24, BayShore Family Camp Day 3

Peyton and Hailey at the beginning of the trail
Under the Gazebo 
We finally found flowers for them to pose by. Last time Hailey and I walked this it was all loaded with beautiful purple flowers, but they are done blooming now 
Everything sure was tall on this path! Looked like a jungle!
On the way to the
 Dock I had Hailey stop here for a picture 
Selfie time for me and Hailey!  
Vikki and Isaac
Peyton and Vikki

Ice cream time! It was free again tonight
Gayla took this one with me in it!

Paul, me and Bill

Vikki and Paul 

We ate breakfast, the we all went to our Bible Studies and classes. Bill, Hailey and Mia went into the tabernacle to hear Pastor Ken Nash, and Vikki and I went to the Paton Lodge to hear the teachings on making disciples and the another after cookies and coffee break on parenting and grandparenting God’s way. Both were very good. We girls, Vikki, Hailey, Peyton and I all went to the Dollar Store and The grocery store and got the things on our lists. It sprinkled but never rained hard and didn’t last long. We came back and all put the groceries away. The m Vikki took her nap at one end of the camper, Bill napped at the other end of the camper and Hailey Peyton and I went for a walk on the trail in the woods here. Before we got in the woods it was a high speed walk. Peyton went back after that and Hailey and I walked out to the bay and out on the dock. We walked fast again. We walked 1.4 miles. She keeps me in shape. We came back and ate lunch.Lily, one of the singers in Heartsong, doing worship for the teens, asked Peyton to go putting putt golfing with her. That made Peyton so happy. Bev and Jim came to our camper to visit. After that Bill and I took cucumbers to the table out front where people were putting free garden vegetables. We went in Barb and Ron’s camper and visited with them for a while, the stopped at Bev and Jim’s camper and visited more with them and Wes and Gayla. We came back after that and made hotdogs in the camper because our grill isn’t working. We went to the evening service then. Worship was awesome and so was the message! There was free ice cream again tonight. We sat together and ate it, then we had a time of prayer for Bev,’s hip surgery Friday, Bill for healing and a good appointment, for Bills appointment tomorrow, me of my hand surgery on August 6, and Ron for strength and strong faith for Barb’s tests for cysts on her kidneys. God is our healer!! We took our showers, and went to bed because we have to get up early tomorrow morning and go to Detroit. I texted Jacob to see if he made it home safe and he did. He texted me back right away. Then Adam texted me goodnight.The train came and did it’s usual back and forth right out our window.  It didn’t clank as much as it used too.  We used to be on the other end of the camper in our fifth wheel.  It rained for a short time but not hard.

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