Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wed, 7/31/24, Went to class, cookie and coffee break, went to second class, Vikki and I went to Taco Bell, shopping, went to adult swim, Ronnie came to visit, made goulash, went to worship and evening service, played 3-13 and dice

Bill, me and Vikki in the tabernacle for our morning class
Hailey sleeping when I got up in the morning
Michelle’s Parents took Peyton, Isaac and Evan to beach day in Caseville.  So sweet of them.  This was taken by Isaac on the way home
Peyton and Bruce, Bridgette’s brother
Evan visiting with Michelle’s dad on the drive
Paul, Melissa Jack and Badger
Bill visiting with Ronnie.  We had a nice visit with him for 1 1/2 hours
Peyton’s selfie with Bridgette’s little brothers
Peyton Bridgette, Evan and Isaac.  We sure were glad the kids took pictures,
Pastor Ken Nash preaching....His messages were so good.
Vikki and Hailey
Hailey and Mia...these girls came prepared and had their Bibles and notebooks.  They took notes during the message and the classes everyday.  We had lots of good Bible discussions with Hailey.  She knows the Word of God and she stands firm in her faith.  What a blessing to have her camp the whole week with us.  So good to see Mia there too.

Woke up early so got up and got ready.  Texted with Adam.  Went outside to read devotional book and Bible. Evan got up and came to talk to me in the clam.  Vikki came outside,  then we all went in to eat.  Hailey came back in the morning for class. She went home last night so she could go to here Bible Study.   We all went to the Bible Study in the tabernacle to hear Pastor Ken Nash.  Hailey, Mia, me, Vikki and Bill sat together.  It was a great message.  We had yummy cookies and coffee, then went to the Patton Lodge for or class on family.  It was really good too!  We came back and  Vikki and I went to Taco Bell, then went to pick up a few groceries.  We came back and Peyton, Isaac and Evan had gone to the beach with Michelle and her mom and Bridgett.  Vikki and I went to the pool and swam at the adult swim.  We came back and relaxed in our hammock’s.  Ronnie came to visit for a while Wes and Gayla were swimming at the pool.  We had a nice visit.  I made goulash for dinner.  Everybody loved it and Hailey even ate 2 bowls.  We went to worship, then Pastor Ken preached another great message.  The kids went to the point to have s’mores with everyone. Bill, Vikki and I didn’t go because there’s usually lots of mosquitoes.  We played 3-13 and also dice.  The kids all came back to the camper.

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