Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday, 7/7/24. Went to Faith Alive church, Roy and Marie came up for the day, Kenzie and Rehvyn came up, Kenzie and Peyton are spending the night. Vikki took Rehvyn and Issac home with her,

Isaac doing the lyrics for worship at Faith Alive Church this morning. He did a great job!
Marie and Roy came to visit!

Rehvyn ready to go to the pool
Rehvyn with Grammy. His first time in the
 Pool at Outdoor Adventures. He loved it!
He was so happy!
Happy with his mommy too!

Rehvy and Peyton

Nana and her sweet baby boy!
Kenzie and Peyton eating the chips and dip Vikki left us while we played dice.  

We went to Faith Alive Church.  They had asked Isaac to do the lyrics for music for the 7th when he went last week.  He went right in early by himself to get ready.  The service was amazing.  Isaac did a great job and the Pastors message was really good.

We came back to the camper and Vikki and I made up the 7 hobo dinners.  I put them on the grill and Vikki cleaned up the kitchen.  I decided to cook the 5 additional minutes on each side, because Bill likes his crispy.  Well, the timer went off just as Marie, Roy and Bill got here.  They picked him up for me so I wouldn’t have to make a trip home to get him.  They had called to see if  they could come up for the day.  Well, I won’t do 5 minutes extra again.  Some of the potatoes and carrots burned and a couple of the burgers.  Peyton and Roy said theirs wasn’t burned. Marie brought homemade apple pies and they picked up ice cream.  It was so delicious.  She left one pie here for us.  We had a wonderful time sitting outside and visiting.  It was a beautiful day out with a little breeze.  Kenzie and Rehvyn came to spend the day and stay overnight.  Vikki, Kenzie, Peyton and Rehvyn went swimming.  Rehvyn loved swimming.  He stayed in a long time before he wanted to be done.  He was so cute and smiley.  I took pics and videos instead of swimming.  We got back to the camper and Vikki, Rehvyn and Isaac left to go home.  Kenzie and Peyton went on bike rides, then made s’mores over the campfire I made for them.  Bill and I had more our instead of s’mores.  The four of us played dice.  Then we got ready and went to bed.  It was such a fun day!

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