Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, 7/16/24, Hoed the garden, fed the birds, relaxed and put on praise music, went to Sam’s Club, went to Vikki’s, watched the amazing Republican Convention!

Rehvyn liked the blanket my mom got for Kenzie at a bazaar when she was a baby.  Kenzie used to love it too.  It’s a great memory of my mom wanting to get something she thought Kenzie would really like.
He loved the puffs
Lucy loved it to lol!

I drank a protein drink, then went outside right away to hoe the garden.  With all the rain we’ve had, lots of little new weeds were coming.  I did lots of hoeing and lots of picking up weeds and putting them in a bucket.  I was really hot and tired when I finished the last plants.  I fed the birds, then came in and drank water and ate watermelon.  Then I played worship music and just relaxed for a while.  Vikki called and said Kimmy was over, so I showered, got ready and went to Sam’s Club to get gas and to pick up protein drinks for Vikki.  I went to her house after that.  I was really happy to see Rehvyn there.  He was happy and smiling lots on Kimmy’s lap.  I had told Vikki I wasn’t hungry because I ate when she texted me she had pizza.  Then when I was leaving Sam’s, I got hungry and got a huge piece of Pizza (about 3 slices put into one) and a big lemonade for $2.65.  Adam came out when I got to Vikki’s and carried in the protein drinks.  I carried my pizza and lemonade in.  I waited til I got to Vikki’s to eat it.  I cut it in half because I knew I couldn’t eat the whole thing.  After I finished eating, I held Rehvyn.  He is just so sweet and so cute.  He’s a smart baby too.  Kenzie picked up Eli from Melissa’s and then they went to McDonalds.  They can to Vikki’s after that.  Kenzie put the blanket that was hers as a baby down and put Rehvyn by it.  He tried right away to touch it, especially the puffs.  She laid him on it and he loved it.  He was so cute.   She left shortly after and Kimmy, Vikki, Eli and Rehvyn stayed on the porch visiting.  Adam had a headache, so I went into the living room and laid hands on his head and prayed for him.  I sure do love him and don’t want to see him have those headaches.  Kimmy, Eli and Adam had to leave, so I left Vikki’s first so I could get home and get the super dog tie down steak to put in the ground and just run it out to Kimmy.  Bill was home getting the mail.  He had mowed the lawn today too.  Kimmy came and I ran out the stake to her.  

In the evening, I listened to the speakers of the Republican National Convention.  What amazing speakers and people who love America, love God and want to make America Great again.  I loved hearing Ben Carson,  Rick Desantus and Lara Trump.  It is just an amazing Convention this year.


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