Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday, 7/26/24, Sue Called-Charlie’s being transferred back today, went shopping, packed, put chlorine in pool, Vikki and Peyton came over, took Sue to see Charlie, Came home and Bill went to visit Charlie and took Sue home, Charlie looked and talked amazing today, then he ate his whole dinner except the corn, We are praising and thanking God for answered prayer


Love it when the pool is sparkly clean and stays that way for the summer!  Yay!

Two new blossoms today.  Many more buds coming.  Hope I get to see some more open when I get back from BayShore

I got up at 7 and watered my flower garden, then turned the pool filter on and fed the birds.  I sat on the deck reading my Prayer devotion book and saw an Oriole on the Oriole feeder.  I was happy because I have to fill the jelly dish every morning and now I know they will at least eat from the liquid feeder if there is no jelly.  Kit Kat sat by me and I gave her the attention she wanted.  Bill put a new screen protector on my watch.  Sue called me and said Charlie was being transferred to a Senior Care Center here today.  She can see him around 4.  I told her I would pick her up at 3:30 and take her there.  

I left to go shopping for the few things I needed for camping and for a new chlorine floater for the pool.  I went to Walmart to get screen protectors for my phone. Then I went to MacSoods, then Meijer.  I wanted to get home before Sue called and I did.  I even got everything put in the camper and the floater filled and put in the pool.  Bill helped me uncover the pool, then we went to put a new cartridge in the filter, but the other one still had quite a lot of chlorine in it so we didn’t.  I tested the pool and it tested perfect.

I took a load of stuff in my car to the camper and got it put away.  Vikki and Peyton came and put their stuff in the camper.  Peyton came in with me when she finished and had a drumstick.  Vikki came in afterwards and had a pop.  We visited and then they had to leave.  I put more stuff in the camper, then my timer went off and I went to pick up Sue.  I carried the bag of clothes and protein drinks she was taking to Charlie.  We got there and didn’t know what to expect because Charlie hasn’t been eating or drinking much of his Nutrition drinks.  Matt and his secretary had stopped in to visit him and called and told Sue he was doing good.  We got in the room and he greeted us with a smile and looked so good.  He visited with us for one an hour.  His voice sounded like it did before all this happened.  He said this was going to be hard, and I reminded him of Melissa and how the doctors said we should prepare for her funeral and how many miracles God did, like taking scar tissue out of her lungs, healing her so she could walk again and ride a bike and have 4 kids when she wasn’t supposed to be able to.  It encouraged him not to give up but to keep praying.  Sue and I prayed for him before I left.  Charlie wanted to see Bill, so I called him and had him leave.  He visited and said Charlie ate al of his dinner except the corn.  He ate string beans though.  We were all so happy.  Bill took Sue home afterwards.   He helped me cover the pool when he got home.  Everything is loaded in the camper except last minute stuff.  
I called Gayla, Melissa, Vikki, and texted Adam to let Kimmy know how good Charlie did.  Many are praying for him.  Adam told me about his day which I always like hearing about.  I am so blessed that he texts me in the morning and at night.  Sure love that sweet boy!

I made fresh cucumbers because Peyton’s friend at BayShore loves them.  I cut up string beans to take too.  Ran the dishwasher, worked on the blog and now going nite nite.  Have to get up early tomorrow.

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