Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday, 7/21/24, Went to prayer, Celebrated Pastor Jeff’s Retirement at church, prayed for two of our missionaries who were visiting, lunch at church, went to Jacob’s Eddy Band Concert

These pictures are in reverse order of the day, but I didn’t want to go to the trouble of changing them around.
These pretty Lantanas are really growing.  They are just beautiful
Kimmy and I moved this Hibiscus from by the house to the new garden.  It has so many blossoms coming on it and is really getting big.

This beautiful butterfly bush is really growing too.  I have see quite a few monarch butterflies in the last week yay!
Pastor Jeff retired after 17 years at our church.  He has touched many lives with the Love of Jesus.  We celebrated him at our church service today
Pastor Ken and the Elders praying for Pastor Jeff
These kids helped Emily sing and do the motions to their VBS Worship Song this morning.  They sang the song KIDS by Brandon Lake.  It’s about God never letting His Kids down and Keeping His promises and being a miracle worker.  They did a great job!  Isaac is in the middle and Peyton is on the left side

Jacob’s concert

These two pictures are from serve week at our Church.  Peyton was a leader for these two kiddos from my K-1st class.  She did a super job

Vikki at the beginning and Rody at the end of the food prep and serve group for VBS.  They did a great job

I got a call from Sue and she was going to go with her niece and husband down to see Charlie.  Charlie told her he was dying so she was pretty shook.  She let me know when she got home in the evening that he had a really smart and good doctor so she felt good about that.   I’m glad she could go be with Charlie.  

Bill and I went to prayer, then we went into the church service.  Rehvyn was sitting on Vikki’s lap and was so cute.  He was dancing on her lap during the songs.  After worship, Vikki had to go back and help Thomas in Sunday School.  I held Rehvyn during the rest of the service.  He started to get just a tiny bit fussy near the end but didn’t cry.  Rody took him from me because we were getting ready to go up to pray for our Missionaries with Jeff, Debbie and Melody for their special prayer requests.  They are Nomad missionaries are such selfless servants of the Lord.  What an honor to pray for them and believe God for the answers.  

Our church handed out meal tickets to either go get a hotdog meal from Woody’s Food Truck or Pulled Pork or barbecue from Olivarez Food Truck.  We sat with Vikki, Rody and the kids and got Koegel Hot Dogs.  They had those kind of hotdogs, because they are Pastor Jeff’s favorite.  The other line was super long, so we didn’t want to wait in the hot sun that long.  It was nice moving around and talking to friends from church.

Rehvyn was good the whole time.  Grammy Vikki really takes good care of him!  I was happy to hold him too.  He is very loved!

Bill and I took a nap when we got home.  Then I went outside and pulled some weeds and cut some plants down that needed it.  I sat outside on the swing for a while and watched the birds and gave Kit Kat attention.  Bill’s nap was longer than mine.  When I got done, he was awake and reading his Bible.  I read mine too and read my prayer devotion.  

In the evening we went to Jacob’s concert!  The music was great and sounded hard to play, but they sure did an amazing job playing it.  Jacob came and visited us at half time.  Rody, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac were there and Kimmy and Eli were there.  It’s fun to all sit together and enjoy the great music.  

Kimmy brought eggs for us all so we took Vikki’s, Bruce and Melissa’s and will keep some for us.  Her eggs are the best!  Bill took them in and put them in the refrigerator and I headed to meet Jared at the Meijer gas station to pick up some protein drinks that Kimmy didn’t want to go to waste.  They were at the expiration date, so need to be drank fast.  Bill is good at that and I will help him.  

I’ve been praying for a safe trip to and from Copper Harbor for Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli and also Lela and Doug.  Praying for a very fun, safe and healthy camping trip for all of them.  This is always such a special family time for them!  I sure am going to miss them though!  


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