Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thurs., 7/11/24, Bill and I met Maddy at Biggby, Held baby Mason for the first time, went to Sam’s Club, Went to John Deere Dealer, cleaned pool and swam, hoed garden, enjoyed time on deck relaxing

Bill relaxing after his swim
The pool was nice and clear today. Bill and I both did some skimming since we could see the bottom of the pool.  Got lots of stuff on the bottom out.  
Bill and I relaxing after our enjoyable swim.  The water was so nice and warm.  Just my temperature.
Plants on the north side of the house are looking great with all the rain we’ve got
Nice view out my kitchen window while I washed a few dishes.  I love the leaded squares Jacob and Adam made me a long time ago.  
I picked lettuce and tomatoes out of the garden and made soft shelled taco’s for me and nacho’s for Bill.  It tasted so good.  Lots more lettuce out there to cut.  

We got up at 8:30.  Bill took care of another opossum, while I got ready to go meet Maddy.
We both read our Bibles, and I started my prayer devotion, but will have to finish the last two pages later.  

We met Maddy and had lunch and coffee.  Mason turned a month today and Rehvyn turned 7 months.  I got to hold Mason for a long time and he was just so sweet.  Kenzie called me and we talked for a while.  I told her to face time me so I could see Rehvyn when she wasn’t busy.  We met this really nice Christian couple at Biggby, Tim and Sue.  He was in the Navy in Vietnam when Bill was in.  They were so nice and were telling us about their ministry.  Tim was super funny too.  When they left, we told them we would be seeing them again we were sure.  It was so funny because we left and went to Sam’s Club and who did we run into but Sue and Tim.  We had to laugh.  Maddy laughed too when I told her.

We went to the John Deere dealer and Bill showed me the tractor he wanted to get if they give him the right price for ours.  It is a nice one, smaller and one I can actually drive and mow the grass with if I need to ever.   They called when we got home and gave Bill more than he even had asked for ours.   He went there and filled out papers and tomorrow he takes ours in and picks the new one up.  It is two years old and doesn’t have many hours of use on it.  I am glad to have it too because I am tired of many skid marks in the lawn from the big thing we have.  The last three mowers have left big skid marks.  

After Bill got home, it was super hot out so I went swimming, then he told me he was going to come swimming too.  I did skimming until he got in and then he did a half hour’s worth of skimming.   It was nice to swim and get exercise too and cool off.  We got out and relaxed  on the lounge chairs while we dried off.  I realized it was 5:30 so, came in to make dinner.
It was yummy with fresh vegetables from the garden.  

After we ate, we both went out and hoed under where the electric fence is.  Bill hoed and I picked up the weeds and put them in a bucket.  He went in the house when he was done, and I stayed out and hoed my zinnia row in the garden and hoed 3 rows of corn.  I did where Bill hoed last time, because he didn’t pull out the weeds and lots rooted back in.  I pulled them and put them in the bucket.  The rows I did with him before aren’t very weedy because I pulled those out when I did them too.  It makes a huge difference.  Kenzie FaceTimed me when we were in the pool and I missed her.  Boo Hoo, I didn’t get to see Rehvyn today.          

I sat out on the deck and gave Kit Kat some attention.  Bill put my 50 lb. of birdseed in my birdseed container on the deck.  I came in and finished reading my devotion.


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