Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Thurs., 7/25/24, put Preen down around house and in garden, picked up Jack and brought him over to help Bill put mulch down, went to Sam’s Club, Helped dig some dirt out that needed to be done before putting mulch down in front, Preened front by sidewalk, went to celebrate Jack’s 16th Birthday, picked garden, weeded garden more, watered garden

First Hibiscus Blossom
Jack ready to try hitting the target with the knife
Celebrating Jack’s 16th Birthday at Bruce and Melissa's
Hailey and Melissa put Abby’s life jacket on her.  She likes being carried in it...Hailey and Melissa sure had some laughs and so did the rest of us
Jack and his carrot cake
Singing Happy Birthday to Jack!  So much fun!
Jack opening his presents and cards
Bill, Jack and I worked on preparing the soil for new mulch and putting it down
They put mulch around the pool and the posts for the solar cover too

I got up at 7:30 and went outside and put Preen down around the house and in my flower garden.  I didn’t do by the front sidewalk because that had to be dug out some because the moles made a mess of it before we got Kit Kat and she caught them.  Good Kitty!
When Bill got up he called Jack to see if he wanted to come help put the mulch down.  I went to pick him up 25 minutes later because he was on a bike ride.  Evan rode his bike to find him for me.  Evan, Melissa and I had delicious cup of coffee while I waited for Jack to eat.  I took Jack to our house and he and Bill went to get the mulch.  I went to Sam’s Club to get some things for camping and look to see if they still had Preen.  They didn’t, so I went to Meijer’s and got some.  They dug out the front and put the dirt in a low spot on the side, then filled in tire skid marks from the old lawn tractor with dirt too.  I helped dig dirt out in the front too while they dumped the wheel barrow.  I put Preen on it and got it ready for mulch.  They went and looked at a knife throwing set and ended up coming home with it.  Bill got a good deal on it.  They got right at putting the rest of the mulch down.  Then we ate grilled chicken I made and French Fries and beans from the garden.  Had Kalarabi and also cucumbers in vinegar too.  Had fun talking with Jack.  He went out and tried the knife throwing and did really good.  

I headed to Kroger to meet Vikki and get gas at 50 cents off up to 35 gal.  Bill and Jack were going to leave and come there a few minutes after me.   When I got to the corner of our road and McCarty, I saw two bicyclist and they waved at me.  I could hardly believe it!  It was Hailey and Evan who rode from their house all the way to ours.  They looked really tired, so I told them to go get a drink at our house.  Hailey had called Bruce to come pick them up because they were really hot and tired.  Bill went by them on our road and Jack told him that was Evan.  They turned around and went back to them, loaded their bikes in the back of the truck and brought them to Krogers with them.  Vikki started filling her car up, I filled my car up and they got there just when I was about done and Bill put gas in the truck too.  Hailey and Evan came and rode with me to their house where I was heading to celebrate Jack’s birthday with  cake and Ice cream.  His birthday was on the 15th of July.  Bill and Jack got there and unloaded the bikes.  Bruce had made a delicious carrot cake and put regular frosting, so Bill ate it too.  I had taken a piece of banana cake from our house in case it had cream cheese frosting on it.  We had fun celebrating Jack and having fun with all of them and laughing lots.  Melissa showed us how happy Abby was being able to feel like she was walking up the stairs with the life jacket on and being carried and just letting her legs touch.  She is getting old, so can’t make those stairs on her own any more.  She was really cute tonight.  Vader came right over to me to say hi, and Badger waited and looked at me til I went to him and said hi.  It was a fun night.  We left and Bill took a shower when we got home and I weeded around the outside of the garden and by the electric fence.  Then I picked lots of cucumbers, some cherry tomatoes, green beans and some green peppers. 
I watered the garden after that.   Then I sat and cooled off on the deck swing and gave Kit Kat lots of attention because she will be lonesome when we go camping for the week.  
I did laundry when I got in the house, while I read my Prayer Devotion and read my Bible.
In Isaiah chapter 44 now.  What an awesome God!

Worked on my blog, then hung up and folded the laundry when it was done.


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