Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tues., 7/23/24, Visited Linda M. a friend of mine, took Souper Cafe lunch to her, Talked lots to Sue and prayed with her, took veggies from our garden to Lisa and her mom, Got squares cut and circles for when Melissa and Vikki come tomorrow night to make graduation snack cups, worked on weeding the brick sidewalk, watched a good movie called Jimmy,

The only picture I took today.  Spent some time cutting 90 black squares and 90 tiny circles out for Snack cups for Max’s graduation party

I was so happy when Adam texted me from Copper Harbor.  He had taken a long bike ride and had a signal.  It sure made my day.  

Sue called in the morning and was anxious and worried, so she wanted prayer.  She prayed and then I prayed too.  She is going through a lot right now.  Bill and I read our Bibles in the morning and did our devotion on our book on prayer chapter.  So good!
I took the vegetables from our garden (beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and a green pepper) to Lisa and her Mom.  Then I went to Souper Cafe and picked up sandwiches and soups and went to my friend, Linda’s, for lunch.  She has had lots of health problems and it’s getting hard for her to get around.  We prayed, enjoyed our lunch, and visited for a while.  

After I left there,  I went to Melissa’s and we went to Tim Horton’s and had Ice Capps.  She treated me!  Thank you Melissa.  They sure tasted good and we had such a nice visit while drinking them.  Then I dropped Melissa back off at home, and I left to take some stuff back to Walmart. 
I was waiting all morning to hear from Sue whether she wanted me to take her to U of M in Ann Arbor.  She called me and said she was too tired and emotionally drained to go today, so she was just going to rest.  I know she needs that!

I came home and  started cutting squares with my paper cutter.  I am sure thankful I have that.  I cut 90 squares and it was so easy using that.  I cut tiny squares after that and then rounded them off into circles.  I bagged everything up so it’s ready when the girls come to work on them tomorrow night.

Bill and I watched the movie “Jimmy!  It was tense, but had a really good ending.  We split a muffin from Tim Horton’s that Bill brought home for me while we watched it.  Bill had popcorn too.  

It was a great day where I didn’t have to take Benadryl for eczema because I didn’t itch and my skin cleared up.  I got off my prescription for it and decided to just do over the counter stuff.  I was thanking and praising God all day!  

Adam texted me at night too.  I told him he made my night too!  I love texting with him.


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