Friday, July 19, 2024

Sat. 7/20/24, Worked on sanding drywall & painting behind new stove and cupboards, Max and Bruce came over to skeet shoot and target practice with Bill, Vikki came over & we went and got a great walker for Rehvyn, went to Olive Garden with Bill

Before pictures....


After pictures
Bruce and Max out on the deck
Max shooting skeets!  Bruce sending them up.  Max did great.  Fun to watch him.  He wanted to know if I needed ear protection, so I just plugged my ears.
Me and Bill at Olive Garden
Jacob and Abi on their college friend Cedar Point Trip

Bill went to the Marine Corp. League Breakfast.  He asked me to go last night, and I told him I would, but this morning when my alarm went off, I changed my mind.  I have been staying up til after midnight each night, then the last two days I got up early because Abby wanted to go outside, so I was just too tired, and needed one sleep in day.  

Bill got home and started mowing the grass, then washed both camp mats with the power washer.  I decided it was a good day to sand where Kimmy had mudded yesterday behind the stove and on the side under the cupboard.  I got that done, then painted the wall grey behind the stove and then the new spacer the guy put between the cupboards and the trim white.  Bruce and Max came to practice shooting with Bill.  They were here having fun for a long time.  I painted some cupboards that needed touching up too, and some door trim while I had the paint out.  It is so good to have that job done and see it looking nice.  Bill called the guy who put our larger stove in and put smaller cupboards in a few times back in March but he never answered those call and we haven’t heard anything from him.  Weird.  We waited 3 months, but finally decided it was time to do it ourselves.  Kimmy got the ball rolling when she was here yesterday and wanted to make the wall nice and smooth so I could paint it.  I FaceTimed her and showed her when it was finished today.  She was as happy as me.  I FaceTimed Melissa too.  I sent pictures to Vikki.  She called me and was talking about how nice the walker she has for Rehvyn is.  She told me she would keep looking for one like it for me because I told her I want one.  She found one right away, new in the box and the lady came down from $50 to $40.  Knew they are $99 and this one was still new in an unopened box.  Vikki came over and rode with me to get it.  She went up to the porch and got it and paid for it for me.  It is so nice and I know Rehvyn loves his Grammy’s so he will love this one just like it.  Can’t wait until he comes to try it out.
The walker for Rehvyn...just waiting for him to try it

Vikki had to get back home, and Bill and I were going to Olive Garden to eat, so she left and then we left too.  We got seated right away and both had Spaghetti and meatballs.  Bill had salad and I had soup.  We both took spaghetti home with us.  We were both really full!

We came home and I sat out on the porch listening to music from the Word of God.  It’s from Project of Love and was so wonderful.  A friend that heads up our prayer group sent three to me.  I sent one to Vikki to listen to.  I read along in the Bible the first time I listened to each song.  So awesome!  I read my devotion chapter on prayer after that.  

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