Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wed., 7/3/24, Kimmy and Adam came, we all swam, had fun hanging out, went to town for ice cream, Peyton and I played tonk


The kids having fun in the indoor pool 
Eli, Evan, Jack, Peyton and Isaac in the hot tub 
We all went into town for ice cream!
Kimmy eating her ice cream with her black eye. She’s so cute!
Isaac, Eli, Evan and Jack during dinner
Nana and Peyton playing tonk. I won

It rained most of the night and thundered and there was lightning, but Jack, Eli and Evan said they all slept good in the tent and it didn’t leak.  Jack volunteered to pray, then we all ate breakfast.  The kids all went for a bike ride while Vikki and I relaxed.  I was cooking burger to have for homemade pizzas and goulash.  Vikki and I relaxed while it cooled, then I put it in the refrigerator, then the freezer.  Kimmy and Adam got here.  Jack came and told us he didn’t know where Evan was.  He went to ride his bike and find him. The other kids rode around trying to find him too. Kimmy and I rode in her van trying to find him and Vikki waited at the campsite in case he came. back.  Jack came and told us they had found him.  He had flew off his bike because the right brakes didn’t work. The medical person at the campground chef him out.  We were all happy and very relieved to see him ok.  We all went swimming in the outdoor pool after that.  Adam and Peyton went to the indoor hot tub, then the rest of us went.  We came back and ate lunch, then the kids went for walks and bike rides.  

We went into town and I treated everyone to ice cream.  After we finished eating it, Kimmy dropped the kids off at the campground while Vikki and I went to the Family Dollar to get some things we needed.  She saved us $10 by downloading the app and clipping coupons.   Adam let us know when they got home.  We ate, then the kids rode their bikes again. Vikki and I laid in our hammocks.  The kids came back and hung outside. Peyton and I played tonk. I was the winner. She tried to stick me with lots of points at the end but got more points herself.  I read my Bible and more of my book on prayer we are doing for church during July.  Texted Bill lots.  

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