Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday, 7/12/24, Kimmy, Adam and Eli came over, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, Later Bill brought Jack and Evan over, He took Max to Flint, Melissa came over, the kids swam, Bill got his new John Deer tractor

Bill happy on his new tractor.  Just the right size for our yard.  It looked great after he mowed it.  
Adam and Kimmy worked on cutting the brush away from this stump and digging around it
Missy and Peyton
Peyton..she sat on this a long time but never got exercise
Brothers!  Evan jumped in front of Jack when I was taking the picture
Eli relaxing in the basement
Isaac with his cool duck socks that match his shirt

I went to Aldi and got some tomatoes and nacho chips.  Didn’t have enough for the rest of the nacho stuff I have in the refrigerator.  I blew off the deck, weeded more and cut some plants down.  Bill took Adam with him to drop our old tractor off and pick up our new one at the John Deere Dealer.  Bill went and picked up Max and brought Evan and Jack here to hang out with the kids.  Then he and Max went to Flint for a while.  They ate at 5 Guys in Flint.  Bill called me to see if I wanted him to bring me something home.  I ate a muffin in the morning, then a donut that Bill brought home, so I was only hungry for an egg salad sandwich for dinner.  Vikki ate a sandwich before she went to her doctor apt. too.  Everyone else was full from the muffins and donuts.  

Kimmy brought zinnias she started from last year’s seeds.  She and I planted them in my flower garden.  I can’t wait til they grow and bloom.  Thanks Kimmy!  It rained some today, but we didn’t get much.  The kids hung out, went swimming, then had fun in the basement.  I played a game of dice with Adam.  He won!  I was happy to have him keep score.  We sat on the deck for a while.  

  The kids swam.  It was a hot day and the water was warm and nice and clear. I fed the fish and watched them for a while.  Lots of birds at the feeders today to watch too.   When Melissa got here, she sat out on the deck with us.  When the girls were getting ready to leave, they found out Melissa had invitations and addresses here, so we all split them up and addressed envelopes and put the invitation in.  It sure wasn’t much work with all of us taking some.  

There was a dead weasel in our yard today.  Don’t know what exactly happened, but I did read that cats kill them.  Hope there are no more around.  


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