Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday, 7/5/24, Vikki and the kids went home, I went home for the day, Nice to spend the day with Bill, garden hoed, birds fed, to Souper cafe for dinner, then Menards. Put gas in at Sam’s Club then back up north to camper

When I got home, I saw Bill out hoeing the garden.
Flowers and plants look good at home

 Vikki started packing laundry and stuff to take home.  I packed laundry and things I needed for the day, plus the clam and some other things we won’t be needing til the next camping trip at the end of the month.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac went to leave and her car wouldn’t start. She FaceTimed Rody and he had her scrape the corrosion off her battery.  We were going to charge it off my Prius, but then Vikki thought of the motor home that was right in front of her car.  She FaceTimed Bill and he said we could charge it off that.  It started right away once I started the motor home.  Yay.  Then her trunk wouldn’t close which is probably why the battery died.  She made it home safely and Rody ordered a new latch.  I left shortly after she did.  When I got home I saw Bill out how other garden. I got my muck boots on and went out to hoe.  He had it half done and looked very tired.  He had tilled the small garden and part of the big one.  I told him to go in and get a drink and rest and I would do the rows that were left.  It was very hot out, so I was really thirst and tired when I finished.  I picked some radishes and sprayed them with the hose, then walked around and looked at where the stumps were ground of the big bushes that were taken out.  I went in and started my laundry, then got some ice water and relaxed with Bill in our recliners for 20 minutes.  We decided we needed a date night, so put that in our plans for the evening,  after my rest, I made hummingbird food and then went out and filled all the feeders.  I had to fix my bubbler in the pond and found the hose attached to the solar screen was disconnected.  I fed my fish and they sure were happy.  The pool looked great and nice and clear.  I added more chlorine tablets to the floater.  Bill has been working on the CMA State Rally and has a really good flyer made up and the schedule and  speakers, singers etc. all lined up.  With all that to do, he sure kept everything up for me outside and in the house. 

I took a shower and dried my hair, then we headed to Old Town Drive in to get coney dogs. It’s one of our favorite places.  It was closed for the weekend because of the Fourth of July, so we went to another favorite place, Souper Cafe for sandwiches and soup.  My punch card was full so we got one soup free.  After we ate we went to Menards. When we got home, we could see a storm coming.  Bill said if I left I could probably stay ahead of it.  I was on the edge of the storm for half the way there, but only got heavy rain, no hail or high winds like other places.  Some places where I couldn’t see real far ahead had me going 25 miles an hour.  I was happy when I got to Pinconning and it got bright out and was clear out.  I called Bill to let him know I was at the camper safely.  Vikki called to check on me when I was almost here so I let her know too. I did my blog, ate a piece of left over pizza and now am going to read the Bible and my devotional and spend time with the Lord.  Excited to do that!

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