Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wed., 7/10/24, rainy morning, when the rain stopped I did lots of weeding and dead heading that happened the two weeks I was gone, went to Old Towne Drive in for coney dogs for dinner

Rainy morning.  My plants are loving it!

This was taken before I cut off all the old rose blossoms.  There sure were a lot.  I should have taken an after picture but I didn't
Cucumbers, squash and pumpkin garden...the rain is making everything most of the weeds out


Lots of blossoms on my Limelight Hydrangea

Wonderful sunset again tonight 

Checked the traps this morning and we caught an opossum and two mice.  I was wanting to catch a raccoon, but maybe it is the opossum that has been messing with my feeders and Kit Kat’s food.  

I ate breakfast and then when it stopped raining, went outside to walk around and look at my plants and flowers that need some attention.  I weeded the garden with the squash, pumpkins and cucumbers in them.  I put the weeds in a pile to go into the garbage can.  It started raining again, so I came inside.  I worshipped, read my Bible and did my prayer devotion.  Bill was already done with his reading.  

When it stopped raining, I went back outside and cut all the dead rose blossoms off three of my bushes.  So many dead blossoms from while I was gone.  They sure look better and now new blossoms will come.  

Vikki had her cortisone shot in her arm today.  She liked the doctor and said he was very good and very calming.  I prayed it wouldn’t be too painful for her and am praying it works long so she can be free from the horrible pain she has been having.

Bill and I went to Old Town Drive in and had coney dogs, fries and root beers.  Yum was it ever good.  

Charlie called and talked to Bill on speaker.  He has been really weak the last two days, so he’s just been in bed most of the time.  He didn’t go in and have the other lung drained because he has no energy.  We are praying hard for him and so is our church.  He said he is praying for a miracle from God so he can be around longer to take care of Sue.  We were so thankful to hear that he is believing God and trusting Him.  He told Bill he thinks about going to get a coffee and muffin with him and misses it, but just don’t have the energy.  He said he loves Bill, me and our whole family.  He and Sue are such great friends (like family)
We are praying for that miracle for him too.  I prayed with Sue over the phone when she called me today.  Prayers are appreciated.

Our pool is crystal clear now.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 81 and sunny.  Yay.  Looking forward to a nice swim and some exercise.  That’s more fun than weed pulling exercise.

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