Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wed, 7/24/24, I fed the birds, ran the filter on the pool, sat outside and read, Bill went to the VA and to get water, I finished weeding the brick sidewalk, and all around the house, Max came over and helped Bill, then Bruce and Jack came to help, Hailey and Evan came over, than Melissa came, then Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came, texted lots with Adam

These cute plants Kimmy gave me are growing into the pond now.
My first zinnia plant that Kimmy started from last year’s seeds and gave me got a blossom today and looks like more to come.  Yay!  Thanks Kimmy!
Our corn is sure tall already.  The big zinnias in the garden are growing and blossoming!
Max up in the shed loft carrying wood down for Bill
Bill and Max working on their backstop project for target practice
Jack, Max, Bruce and Bill...the extra help came just when needed.  Those railroad ties are so heavy.  I couldn’t even budge the end of one.
Peyton going to a Hawaiian Luau at church to welcome the new youth members old enough to be in youth group now.  She was super excited
She came to help us for a while before he had to go walk with Ally
Isaac dressed for the Luau too!  He’s going to be a helper to welcome the new kids too.  He sat on the deck so someone would be out there while Evan swam
Evan being silly before leaving for home
Jack wanted the sunset in the picture behind him
Graduation snack cups are finished!  Thanks Vikki, Melissa, Hailey and Peyton for your help.  You are such blessings!

 I filled some of the bird feeders right away, and filled the jelly feeder.  It needs filling every day.  I turned the pool filter on so it would run before 10 a.m. when the rates double.  I sat outside and read my Bible and read my Prayer book chapter.  I drank my coffee too. I gave Kit Kat some attention too.  I turned the filter off, then came inside and ate a bowl of cereal.

Bill left to go to the VA and to pick up water for the water cooler.  I went outside and weeded the cracks of the driveway, finished weeding the cracks between the bricks in the sidewalk, and all around the house to get it prepared for new mulch. Bill came home and had Max with him.  They decided to make a backstop out of railroad ties for when they target practice.  They went and picked up the ties and then started working.  I went out to check on them to see if they needed a drink.  Bill did, but Max already had a drink.  They wanted me to try to lift a railroad tie and Max thought that was pretty funny.  I couldn’t budge it an inch.  I pulled some little weeds in the flower garden and did some edging.  

After all the work Bill did outside, he came in and played ping pong with the boys.  He sure looked tired when he came up.I came in to rest and remembered I needed to pick up some embroidery thread for the tassels on the graduation caps.  I did that and got a few things I needed to make a banana cake.  It was a recipe I got from Gayla and it called for buttermilk, so hat was one of the items I needed.  It was a recipe that called for room temperature eggs and butter and buttermilk.  I should have read the recipe first thing in the morning.  Oh well!  I made it and it turned out good.  Jack, Bill, Melissa and I had a piece when it was done.  Evan doesn’t like banana’s, but did try a bite of Melissa’s.    Peyton wanted a piece, but when we finished all the snack cups, Vikki didn’t need to come back, so she just picked up the kids and went home.  Melissa and I sat out on the deck for a while.  Evan came and joined us.  Adam surprised me and texted me.  I was super happy again. It was so fun getting to talk to him via text.  Evan made sure I told him hi for him.  

Melissa and the kids left,  I walked out with them and took some pictures.  I came in and finished loading the dirty dishes. Then I sat and relaxed and worked on my last night’s blog and tonights.  

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