Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday, 7/19/24, Kimmy, Adam, and Eli came over, Jacob went with Abi and some college friends to Ohio to go to Cedar Point, Vikki, Rehvyb, and Peyton came over, Charlie is still in ER, they are admitting him

Ha Ha, Abby has two nice beds here, but she usually picks the floor to sleep on
She was doing good today, walking and even wanting to come out on the deck with me.  
Yay, Peyton came over.  She’s been serving at the church all week!  I have missed her!
                              I was so happy to see her and get a big hug today
Eli after Vikki trimmed his his burnt hair for him.  Such a great kid!
Adam...another great kid relaxing!
Kimmy and I took Rehvyn outside while Vikki trimmed Eli’s hair.  He always falls right to sleep when he’s outside swinging.  He’s so sweet!
Kimmy and I had fun talking to Eli outside.  
She was throwing little ice pieces at him and kept missing, then one hit his shirt.  He put his fingers around his eyes and said she couldn’t throw them at him because he had glasses lol
Ha ha, she added glasses to the above picture.  We sure did laugh.  

                    Eli sent me lots of kitty pictures.  I thought this one was so cute. 

Such baby fun in these pictures.  They sure liked each other.  So cute how they are holding hands

Abby started barking at 7:15 this morning.  I waited for a few minutes, then got up to let her go outside.  She went right away, so I guess her barking and waking me up is a good thing.I called Sue this morning and offered to take her to see Charlie, but then remembered I had Abby and couldn’t leave her that long.  It ended up, she talked to Charlie and he didn’t want any visitors, he just wanted to rest after such a long tiring day yesterday.

I talked to Adam to see Kimmy planned on coming today where she’s getting ready for their big camping trip.  She called me and still wanted to come so I was very happy!  They got here and I made Kimmy and Eli cappuccinos.   Vikki, Peyton and Rehvyn came over too shortly after Kimmy got here.  I always look forward to our Friday get togethers.  We did lots of visiting, and ate egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches.  The boys wanted pizza so I made a pizza too.  Kimmy didn’t want me to make turkey bacon for her, so she just had an egg and cheese sandwich.  We went outside and sat on the swings.  Later, we all had drumsticks.

Vikki cut Eli’s burnt hair ends off for him.  His hair looks really good now.  Kimmy fixed the wall behind my stove, so I just have to sand it lightly and paint it and some of the cupboard.  The guy who worked on cutting our cupboards and putting in a normal sized stove hasn’t got back with us to finish the little bit that has to be done.  Bill tried calling him a couple times but he has never returned the calls.  You would think he would want to get paid, but it has been 3 months and not a word from him.  Today, Kimmy decided it would be a good project for us to do.  I am happy, because once the wall is ready I can get painting.  

Bruce and Max picked up Abby this afternoon.  She was finally adjusting to having them gone and even wanting to come outside with me on the deck to sit on the swing.  She is such a sweet dog, I sure hate to see her getting old.  I tried to give her lots of attention.  She got lots more from Eli today.  

Vikki and Peyton had to leave to get home because Stephanie was bringing her baby over to meet her cousin Rehvyn.  I bet they will be cute together.  Kimmy and the boys stayed longer and we sat on the deck where it was nice and cool.  Bruce and Max came to pick up Abby.  Max was so happy to see her and came and got her off my lap right away so he could hold her.  Eli showed Max the melted brass bar he made from all the shells that Max and Papa picked up.  Max thought that was cool.  I went to the window on Max’s side of the van and told Abby goodbye.  Max held her right up by me so I could say a good goodbye and pet her.  When we walked out the front door when Kimmy and the boys left, it was super hot.  Amazing the difference in the shade.

Charlie finally got put in a room at U of M Hospital today.  He needs to rest up now after all that.  He told Sue several doctors have been in to see him.  Praying for wisdom and them to help Charlie feel better.  

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