Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday, 7/22/24, Texted to see where Kimmy and Family were at, Saw UP post of the boys, Sat out on the deck, went shopping with Melissa, picked garden stuff, washed veggies and bagged them, took some to Vikki & family, packed some up for friend from church, had a thunderstorm, Bill had elder meeting, brought a piece of pecan pie home to me

Eli, Jacob and Adam with Wyatt when they got in the UP!  Very handsome grandsons 
cute Wyatt too!

Eli, Jacob and Adam waiting at the Hilltop Restaurant for their cinnamon rolls
This picture made me hungry!  I can just taste this huge yummy cinnamon roll.  I have to get back there!
At the stone boat in Kearsarge

Zinnias I planted in with my vegetable garden are beautiful and mixed colors
Isaac when I dropped off veggies from the garden and eggs from Kimmy and Jared tonight
Hailey and her friend from Spring Hill
Some pictures of Hailey working at camp.  She does inclusion.  She was asked to come back for this week because the parents of this girl she had last year wanted Hailey again because their little girl loved her so much.  Hailey loves her too and was excited to go back last week.
More pictures of Peyton and Isaac working during Serve Week
These two had fun together

In the morning, I checked right away to see where Kimmy and family were.  They were already in the U.P.  I looked on Facebook and found she posted a picture of the boys.  A short time later she sent me pictures of the boys waiting for their cinnamon rolls at the Hilltop and then one of Jacob with his big ole cinnamon roll.  It made my mouth water, because I think they have the best cinnamon rolls ever!  I need to go back there.  

Bill read his Bible and then after I fed birds and watered a few outside plants, I went and sat on the deck and read my  Bible and Prayer Devotion.  God sure speaks through His Word by His Holy Spirit.  It’s just amazing!

I picked Melissa up and we went to Gordon’s Foods to get some lids for the snack cups we make cute graduation hats from.  I thought it was weird that I saved lots of the snack cup parts, but not the lids, but when I talked to Vikki later she reminded me there were less lids in the lid bag than there were cups.  Tomorrow I will be cutting the paper for the caps, then Melissa and Vikki are going to help me make the hats up.  It will be fun working together on them.

Since we were right next to the new Popeye’s, we decided to just get a snack there.  We asked if we could each get 3 chicken tenders, dip and small drinks.  The girl said yes, then told me the price would be $21.  I almost fell over and was speechless.  When I got to the window, I explained that we didn’t get combo meals we just got 3 chicken genders each.  
The girl asked if we wanted sides.  I explained that we just wanted the chicken and told her I thought the price was wrong.  She said it wasn’t.  Well we left there and realized she didn’t give us our small drinks.  We went back and I went inside and got them.  Another lady getting pop was telling me she didn’t even get a biscuit with her combo meal and it was so much money she wasn’t coming back.  I agreed with her.  That is our last time going there.  A small pop was $3.59.   Wowza!  I will be glad when they have the Chic Fil-A done.  They are working on it now.  

We went to Hobby Lobby and Melissa found the picture book she wanted for Max’s Graduation party and it was the same one she got for Hailey’s.  They only had one left and it was on sale for $6.  Yay!  When we left there, we both decided we didn’t want to go to Tim Horton’s for an Ice Capp.  Melissa was going to treat me, but we were both full after our food and drinks.  We are going to do that a different day now.  I forgot to take the eggs from Kimmy to Melissa’s so I called Bill and he was going to do it for me.  Kimmy called and Melissa and I got to talk to her.  They were 20 minutes from Copper Harbor.  We were so happy to talk to her.  We heard Jared guessing that we spent $40 at Popeye’s Chicken.  Guess we got a deal lol.  We talked for a while, then they lost their signal and we could tell our talk time was over.  Kimmy texted me that she lost her signal and said she loved me and that’s the last I heard today.  

I picked the garden.  I saw where thunderstorms were coming our way, and I could hear thundering it was getting pretty dark out, so I picked veggies fast.  I got a big Meijer bag full of string beans, 5 big tomatoes and lots of cherry tomatoes.  I also picked lettuce and 3 green peppers.  I had to go to Vikki’s and Melissa’s to take eggs from Kimmy, so I took Vikki lots of veggies.  I got my hugs from Peyton and Isaac and visited there for a few minutes.  Vikki only wanted 2 dozen, so Melissa and Bruce get two more dozen.  He has plans to make lots of stuff with these delicious eggs.  Melissa ran out and got her eggs.  I was trying to call to have one of the boys come out and get them because it was raining.  Bill went to an elder’s meeting while I was doing all this.

I talked to Gayla for a while.  It was nice to catch up.  My phone has called her on its own a couple of times in the last few days after I hang up from someone else.  I figured I should actually call her myself. 

Bill and I talked to Sue.  Charlie might get discharged tomorrow.  They are trying to come up with a plan.  Sue is going to let us know tomorrow.

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