Friday, January 12, 2018

1/12/18...Didn't go to the SportsZone because of the ice and snow.

Bill being sweet and making a path for me so I can feed my birds
I woke up and figured all the schools would be closed.  None of our grandkids schools were closed though.  So many other ones were that I couldn't believe it.  Our bird feeders were covered in ice and so was our mailbox.  It was beautiful with the snow on top of it.  With ice and all the snow, I decided I didn't want to go out in it so I didn't go to the SportsZone.  I put the nativity pieces Bill brought into the garage in the attic and got everything back in order up there.  Vikki and the kids stayed home because they weren't feeling good.  I was trying to call her and got my friend Vikki instead.  We had a great talk though so that was good.  Played some on the keyboard Bill got me for Christmas.  Bill and I played 3-13 and went up and down the hill and I lost by 2.  He was 80 some ahead of me at one time so at least I had a good comeback.  Had fun watching Jared's mom and dad's wedding video.  It was so cute.

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