Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday, 3/29/21, Bill went with Charlie for their coffee time. I worked outside lots, Bill worked on organizing gazebo parts, I took pop cans back...lots of them


Nice to see the blossoms on my Christmas Cactus getting big
 Filled the Easter Baskets....Down to filling just 5 and one for us Adults to share on Easter
 Cute comparison picture of Grandma and Grandpa Russell with their grandchildren...Three of whom we share as grandchildren
 Why is it those three guys in the back (Eric, Doug and Jared look like they have shrunk in the bottom picture.  Before you could see the picnic table and now you can't???? What great pictures to look at.  Happy Adam sent them to me.  They were taken 10 years apart.

Bill got up early to go with Charlie before his had therapy at the VA.  I put worship on, then read my Bible and spend some time praying.  Put the glass covers from the old chandelier in the dishwasher to get them nice and clean for Kenzie.  Washed the main part of it too, then packed it all up in a box.  Went outside and put more mealworms in the dish for the birds and filled the feeders.  It was so nice out, I decided to walk around and look at all the plants. Worked some on weeding and cleaning out along the edging by the deck.  Bill worked on sorting gazebo pieces and parts and getting some stuff ready he needed to get done before Jacob and Adam come to help him.  Tomorrow is supposed to be another super windy day, so probably will see about Wed.  Brought the last bag of wood pellets in.  After it's gone, we will just use our furnace if we need heat.  I'm pretty happy about that since hauling pellets, filling buckets, dumping buckets, and cleaning the kernel burner is a pretty big job for just one person.  Next year when we start it up again their will be two of us working together again.  I filled Easter Baskets.  Only five grandchildren are wanting baskets this year.  Melissa's 4 are getting money instead, Kenzie and Travis are getting money instead, and Kody is getting money instead.  Sure went fast filling those baskets with only 6 to do.  I have to make sure us adults have candy to munch on Sunday too.  I made Salmon, red potatoes and green beans for dinner.  Bill sold his bike that's 10 years old for $300 today.  He didn't ride it much and likes the one he has now better.  I went to Meijer to take back tons of flavored water bottles and pop cans.  As I was pushing my cart full of bags of cans in, there was a couple coming just a little behind me, each with a cart full of cans.  We got to the door about the same time and the girl went in and the guy motioned for me to go next, but I let him just follow her and told him it looks like we were going to the same place.  He laughed and said yes.  We got in the room and they told me I could go first.  The machine they thought was open, was actually not working, but because of the dividers they have between machines, you couldn't see the notification.  We ended up getting machines at the same time.  I started putting my cans in, and Bill and Sabrina came in with a whole cart of cans and bottles too.  We talked for a few minutes, then my machine started beeping and said it needed to be emptied.  It didn't run my receipt out, so I didn't want to leave the machine to get help.  I finally asked Bill Smith if he would watch my stuff, while I went to see if anyone was in the back room.  No one answered.  Bill went out in the main store and finally found someone to come empty the cans so the machine would work again. When I started putting cans in again, Bill and I noticed the amount started at 0.  I had $6.40 already when it quit.  Bill went again and found the guy and he came and wrote me a slip for the amount.  Then Sabrina found a can she missed and she gave it to me to add to mine.  It sure turned out to be a stressful ordeal, but God sent some good friends to help me out.  I was very thankful believe me.  Adam had texted me when they left Indiana.  He let me know when they were 3 hours from home.  They were home by the time I got home from Meijer.  Always thankful when they return safely. 

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