Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sat. 3/6/21....Went to Sandusky, Kimmy and family came over, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, Celebrated Eli 11 birthday and gave him is gifts


Eli really takes after his dad

 Eli with his birthday cupcake 

Eli getting ready to open his presents
Eli opening his gifts
We lost Eli for a minute ha ha
Eli rollerblading

Eli rollerblading
Isaac, Peyton and Eli rollerblading in the driveway

Bill by his new table saw

Bill showing us how his new saw cuts wood.  Jacob watching
Jared showing Bill the grenade pin on his keychain and remembering the funny memory of when Bill gave it to him...Bill told him what it was and said I don't every want to talk about it again!!!
Adam in his winter gear 
Eli drew this wolf.  He did amazing.  He had several other great drawings he did that he brought to show us.  Another talented artist in the family
Jacob and Papa
Eli at home showing me his lego set all put together
Eli flying his drone
Closet door after Jared and Jacob adjusted it and put the knob on.  It is amazing how easy it opens now.

We went to Sandusky to take some stuff to the chapter president.  It was a nice sunny day and the sun was almost blinding us as we went east.  Yikes!  It was a nice drive there and back.  Adam texted me while I was riding and is always so funny and cute.  I got a Spanish lesson from him. Kenzie called me and she was really happy that her Aunt Missy, Uncle Bruce and Evan were going to come for a visit.  Kenzie was going to show them the baby chickens, ducks, Mylee and Katniss through the window.  They were going to pick up a piano bench and it happened to be in Kenzie’s town.  I’m so glad they could stop and visit with her.

Kimmy and family, and Vikki, Peyton, and Isaac all came over.  I was hauling pellets into the family room and right away Adam came and asked me if I needed help.  He carried them for me.  Jared and Jacob hung and adjusted the closet door in the hallway upstairs. It works perfect and I can open it with 1 finger now.  The old one always came off the track.  It’s so nice.   Adam and Jacob also moved the big king size mattress to the green bedroom so the people can lay the carpet in the blue bedroom on Tuesday.  Adam carried all the closet doors I painted and put them in the other room too.   Thank you Jared and Jacob!Jacob, Peyton, Kimmy, Isaac and I played Tonk.  Jacob was the winner, and Kimmy came in second.  The kids were having so much fun rollerblading in the basement.  We all ate subs for lunch.  Eli went downstairs and brought up all the pop for me.  Bill, Jared and Jacob went to look at a table saw.  It was a nice Ryobi saw and Bill talked him down to $80, so he got it.  Jacob drove the truck back to the shed to unload it.  We celebrated Eli’s birthday with cupcakes Kimmy made.  They were Yummy. The kids went back to rollerblading, and Jared, Kimmy, Vikki, and I started playing 3-13. When I asked Eli if he wanted to open his present, he said in a little while because he was having so much fun skating.  Haven’t heard that from a kid before.  He opened his gift finally.  We gave him a couple of lego sets and a mini drone.  We didn’t finish our game because Jacob was driving and they wanted to get home before dark.  Adam took the garbage out for me before he left.  When Jacob left here, he had to back around Vikki’s car and he did great!  He’s not like his dad and doesn’t try to just knock it out of the way ha ha.  Vikki and the kids left right after that.  She found some great deals today when she took Adam to her house to get the kids rollerblades.  Good thing she had Adam to carry them and load them in her car for her.  She always finds great treasures.  What a fun day and a fantastic and helpful family I have!  Thank you all!

I wrote prayers for tomorrow’s CMA National Day of Prayer I will be praying outside the Courthouse, a church and a school.  Went to bed at midnight!

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