Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tuesday, 3/30/21, Kimmy and the boys came over, Vikki and twins came over, Bill and the boys worked on putting the new gazebo up with some help from us girls

Me, Adam, Jacob and Bill working as a team

Me, Adam and Bill
Me, Adam, Jacob, Peyton and Isaac
Jacob and Papa Bill
Jacob, Peyton and Isaac working as a team...Wyatt moving through
Adam and Papa working...Wyatt visited today too
                                                          Adam, Jacob and Papa Bill
 A beautiful eagle flew by us and then went over our house while we were out on the deck. Kimmy saw it take off from the edge of our property and said it was huge!
Frame up
Adam, Jacob and Papa Bill

The roof being built
Jacob, Bill and Adam working on the gazebo
 Jacob, Adam and Bill playing 3-13

 Score from Bill and the boy's game....Bill was negative until the 12's and was winning.  Adam beat him by 3 points in the end

Jacob and Papa
 Jacob and Adam
Jacob relaxing after working hard today

 Adam relaxing finally after all his hard work today

We slept in this morning.  Had our oatmeal and coffee.  Adam texted and wanted to know if they could come over.  Of course my answer was yes, come!  I'm always happy when they come, and was just thinking today how blessed I am to see all of my kids and grandkids so often.  Kimmy and the boys came, then Vikki and the kids came.  Vikki brought large smoothies from Tropical Smoothie for Kimmy, her and me.  They were delicious!  The boys and Bill started working on assembling the gazebo.  Vikki, Kimmy, Peyton, Isaac, Eli and I all helped holding the pillars while they connected the top beams to them.  It was another very windy day, but it wasn't too bad on the back deck. We ate chicken salad sandwiches and pizza for lunch.  Also washed some strawberries and put them out.   Bill, Jacob and Adam played 3-13.  Adam won even though Bill was negative 39 after the 11th hand and Adam was 75.  It was fun hearing them tell about it...Adam sure was happy.  We girls sat out on the deck for a while and visited.  We saw an eagle fly over our deck and house.  It was beautiful!  We were amazed at how much the guys got done today. They even got lots of the roof assembled.  The boys are great helpers.  I ordered online and we picked up Culvers for dinner.  Bill, Jacob and Adam got Concrete Mixers too.  I didn't because I had the smoothie today.  We ate at home, then played 3-13.  Jacob was the winner. I came in last.  It was fun playing with them.  We watched the movie, FlyWheel afterward. Then we watched Beverly Hillbillies.

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