Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thurs., Made meal for Rody's family, took a card back to our neighbors for their baby, Went to Iain Concert,

Iain in the back row to the left of the fire extinguisher
Iain playing the big drum in back on the right
Meredith, Iain, Vikki, Bill and I.  We went to Cody's Landing after the concert.  Vicki treated us.  

I got up early, so I would be ready if Vikki called and needed me to watch the kids or anything.  I read my Bible and spent time praying.  She called and said she was taking the kids with her because they would be able to cheer up Aunt Ann.  I decided to make food for Rody, Vikki and all the family that was at Rody's mom's house.  I was thinking about chili, but then Vikki said sloppy joes would be good.  Sloppy joes sounded better to me.  I started making them right away, so I could put them in the crockpot. Then I decided to make a couple of batches of brownies, and lastly I made mashed potatoes.  Bill and I took a card back to our neighbors behind us.  They just had baby Charlotte, so we wanted to give them some money for baby shopping or baby savings account.  She had said they had everything they need, so it will probably be for savings.  We had a nice chat with her and her husband. Very thankful God has always blessed us with great neighbors in back of us. 

I prayed with Intercessors of America and then went outside for a while.  Vicki Beemer texted me and told me Iain had a band concert at 7 and wanted us to come.  We dropped off the food at Rody's mom's house, visited with Vikki, Rody's Aunt Ann and Vershon for a little while, then Rody, Peyton and Isaac came.  Isaac, Vershon and Rody were leaving to go pick up Rody's brother from the airport.  We headed to Iain's concert.  He did a great job playing the drums and the bands all sound great.  Vikki's stepson, Kyle was there, and he had just found out his half sister, Jordan's mom had just passed away.  Jordon lost her mom and dad who were both 51 just this year.  So sad as she is so young.  We went to Cody's Landing with Vikki, Iain and Meredith after the concert and ate.  The kids are really getting lots more talkative.  They don't have grandparents and Vicki doesn't have a mom, so they look to us as theirs.  We love them dearly.


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