Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday, 3/22/24, Call from Bill’s sister Carol who needed to go to urgent care, lots of snow by 7 already, made chili, Hailey and I listened to worship songs at the table while drinking our coffee this morning and she shared some good ones with me, Hailey and I made cookies,

Peyton made this cute flowered bracelet today.  She just made it up herself.
Adam sent me this picture today of him and Hope with her flowers
Hailey made cookies today.  I just helped get ingredients out and got them out of the oven.  They taste delicous!
Cookies with no nuts for Hailey
Cookies for me and Bill with nuts

There are about 5 cardinals and 3 bluejays in this picture. Mr. squirrel visited too

We were sleeping when Bill got a text from his sister Carol.  She sent a picture and said she needed to go to urgent care.  Things always happen when theres a big snow storm it seems.  He had me look at the picture.  She had a huge blister/boil on her leg the size of the bottom of one of Kimmy’s mugs.  She also said she was getting low on oxygen and her other tank was in her car which was in getting worked on.  She had Bill go there first and get that tank, then he picked her up and took her to urgent care.  I was happy to see Kimmy’s boys didn’t have school today.  Didn’t want Kimmy out on bad roads.  I called to find out how Carol was doing.  They had said they could see a small scratch and it has caused an infection.  They ordered an antibiotic for her.  Good thing she went in.  Bill took her by Melissa’s house and showed it to her on their way back to her house.  She stays home except for appointments these days.  Her prescription wasn’t ready so Bill came home and will pick it up later. I called Sue to see how she was doing after that.  She had a visiting nurse come, and was in a lot of pain.  The nurse said she had to take her pain meds so she could walk and do what is needed.  She did but said a therapist was coming and she didn’t feel like doing therapy.  She probably will once the medicine works.  No fun to go through, but worth it in the end.

I got up when Bill did, and started making chili.  It was done and simmering by the time Hailey got up.  She ate cereal, and we both drank our coffee together.  She loves worship like I do, so she shared her favorite new worship songs with me and I shared some with her.  We spent the morning listening to all of them.  Awesome praise to our Lord!  

We decided to make cookies.  She loves to bake so, I got the ingredients out and she made the cookies.  I put them in the oven and took them out.  This is only the second time I’ve used my oven.  I would set the timer and then hit cancel to stop it and it would turn my oven off too.  She showed me that the timer had on/off by it too and that if I just hit that only the timer would go off.  Well that sure was great to find out.  I didn’t want to keep having to reset the oven.  The cookies turned out great and were delicious!  Bill came home with a chocolate chip muffin for Hailey and a Boston cream donut for me.  He had called to find out what we wanted.  He was happy to see cookies made.  He cleaned the snow off her car, then he shoveled the sidewalk and around her car so it would be good when she had to go to her doctor appt.  He said it was really heavy snow.  

She went to her appointment, then to her house to pick up pop cans her dad wanted her to take back.  Bill and I took a nap until she got back.  That sure felt good.  When she got back, I loaded my pop cans in my car and Hailey loaded hers in.  We took them in to Meijer.  I gave her the money from my cans.  She doesn’t like Apple Pay like the other kids, so this made her happy.  I only had 10 miles I could go before I would be out of gas, so I went to the Speedway station by our house.  I was just going to put gas in, but for some reason I pulled up to the wrong side for my gas tank.  I had just got back in the car to move, when Bill called me and said he needed gas and asked if I did.  I told him how low I was and he said to meet him at Kroger so we could get your 60 cents off a gallon up to 35 gallons.  By the time Hailey and I got there, I only had 4 miles to go on my tank.  I never like being low on gas, but was trying to stay low because I was waiting til Bill needed gas.  I was so glad to have a full tank of gas again.  

He went to pick up Carol’s prescription and take it to her.  He also picked up some curtains he wants to hang across the center of the basement so the ping pong balls stay in the one area.  Hailey and I came back to my house and she packed up her things and I packed up some chili and her cookies for her.  Then she left.  She had to stop at her mom’s again, and then was leaving to go back to her dorm.  She let me know when she got there.  I’m always happy to hear when kids and grandkids are home safe.  I talked to Melissa for a while, then talked to Vikki for a while.  It was still snowing out.  


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