Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wed., 3/13/24, Bill went to coffee with Charlie, Kevin was supposed to come work at 9, but had to take his mom to ER, Sat outside for an hour, went to dermatologist appt., worked outside cutting down dead stuff and raking, sat on porch with Kit Kat, Bill and I walked 2 miles

Two more blossoms came on the Crown of Thorns.  There’s more blossoms coming on the one closest to the window.

Kit Kat snuggled next to me on the swing on the front porch.  She has calmed down a lot and doesn’t try to bite 

We got up early because Kevin was supposed to be here at 9.  I took a nice relaxing bath. Bill went to have coffee with Charlie.  He called and told me Kevin wasn’t coming to work because he had to take his mom to the ER.  He said he might be able to come later.  I just drank a protein drink for breakfast.  I played some worship music, then read my Bible and did my devotion.  Then I went outside and walked around.  Looked over everything growing.  Cut some old growth on plants down in the front and on the side of the house.  Then I sat on the deck in the sun for an hour.  Kit Kat sat in the chair next to me.   It was 66 degrees out with sunshine and no wind.  I set my timer so I could really relax.  I came in and  got ready for my appointment.  I ate some sauerkraut and hotdogs on a baked potato before I left.  Bill came home and had a muffin for me that Charlie got me.  Yum!

My appt. for my yearly skin check went good.  He checked some flare ups of my eczema too.  He offered to order a prescription lotion, but I told him what I was using over the counter was working good.  I got to share with him the miracles God did for Melissa.  I also told him I’ve had prayer for healing.  The guys came and got the little styrofoam piece out of the oven window that was between the glass. 

I came home and filled a big garbage can with dead plant remains from last year.  Cut lots of stuff down and picked up lots of leaves covering plants too.  I was tuckered afterwards, so sat on the front porch and drank an Olipop probiotic drink.  I just finished and Bill opened the door and wanted to know if I wanted to walk down to the corner.  I told him no because I was tired, but then changed my mind and decided I should walk with him.  We walked at a nice pace.  Felt good to be getting exercise again.  I was going to start the treadmill tomorrow again, but walking outside was a good start.  We got 2 miles in.  Bill kept going to the corner the other direction from our driveway.   He wanted to get his 10,000 steps.  I already had 10,000 when he had 8,600.  I just came in the house.  It was rest time for me.  When we were almost home, Vikki called and told me, she told Peyton how expensive it was going to be for her and Kenzie to go see Lauren Daegle.  Peyton said wow, I’d better read my Bible.  Good thing I’m a fast reader.  We all got a good laugh out of that.  We give the grandkids who read the Bible, $100.  It is so important for them to know what God their Creator, Heavenly Father, Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Holy Spirt, Comforter, Teacher and so much more has to say and the instructions He gives for us to follow and obey.  It is so worth it when one of our grandkids accomplishes this, to give them the $100.  Peyton has listened to the Bible with Vikki and Isaac since she was little.  She doesn’t realize how long it takes to read though.  The concert is next month.

It will be a relaxing evening for me now.  Bill wanted me to try the new oven and make him a cake, but I only have 1 egg.  Bummer.  I will bake something for him tomorrow.  Kevin said they had to put his mom in a home.  He is coming at 9 in th morning to finish the job here.  Can’t wait until he is done.  

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