Saturday, August 31, 2024

8/3124, Saturday,, Fun day seeing everyone at the rally, awesome prayer time, great worship, bike blessing, ride to Akron, another great service, Isaac gave his testimony,

Enjoying our home away from home!

 Pictures are in reverse order

Isaac giving his testimony

Isaac and Bill

Bill had me go up with him, then handed me the mike to let everyone know BayShore was shorthanded and only had one housekeeper.  Liz had asked if we could keep an eye on the bathrooms, and wash counters down or flush toilets if they needed to be.  I passed on the information, but was nervous so forgot to remind them that CMA people always leave things better than when they came.

CMA booth at Akron..took.Jane and Jay’s picture at the booth 
Bill and I sitting in the BIG Camping Chair at Akron
Isaac, Yolanda and their grandson visiting in the afternoon

Isaac, Yolanda and their grandson visiting in the afternoon
Lined up for the ride to Akron.  50 bikes went
Bikes lined up for the ride

Bill on our trike

Bike Blessing

The kids all loved the Barrel Train ride
Beautiful Lydia with her bear
Max in the red barrel rode lots of times.
Julie and I working at the Bake Sale


Bill went to the Men’s Bible study at 7:20 and I went to the Women’s Bible Study.  Jane taught it.  It was on the Words we Speak and was very good and the Scriptures on that topic sure make you think.  After it was over, I walked to the camper, got all of my baked goods I made, and went to help at the bake sale.  Bev and I put things out on the tables as people brought them, then we worked at the table from 9-Noon.  We sold lots.  We were under the pavilion next to the kids playground.  Bill came and gave lots of kids $1.  Then they all came excitedly to the bake sale to buy something.  When they wanted to buy pies for a $1 we had to tell them we couldn’t sell them for that.  The sale was for donations for Run for the Son.  We did let them buy packs of 6 cookies though.  The big items that were left were going to be auctioned off in the evening.  Next year I am going to bring some candy for the kids to buy for a $1.  I think they would really like that.  We got to talk to lots of nice grown ups and kids.  Julie came at noon to let us go to lunch before our ride to Akron.  Bev came to help her.  They covered til 3 when the sale was over.  They put the left over stuff in the tabernacle for tonight’s auction.  Bill got a burger and I had a hot dog for lunch, plus chips and a dessert that BayShore provided.

We visited with Ron and Barb who are our camping neighbors.  She has a table set up with lots of stuff she is selling outside.  I went and did some shopping there and so did Bill!  I bought some things for the girls for Christmas, and a pretty towel for our camper.

We all lined up our bikes for the Bike blessing.  There was such a great turnout.  We had 50 bikes all together.  The bike blessing was so nice, then we all got ready to ride to Akron to go be witness for the Lord.  We walked around and saw Bubba.  He loves CMA and has been asking for prayer for the past couple of years for his wife, Debbie.  We went and saw her afterwards.  She looks great and has been healed of cancer.  She gives the glory to God. We bought a couple of pins for our vest from her.  Mine says Riding for Jesus.

We went to the CMA booth after we had walked around.  I took some pictures of Jay and Jane at the booth.  There was a guy there who was saying he had cancer and they were talking to him and offering to pray.  I told him I would be praying for him too.

It was hot out, so we got Root Beers to drink.  We walked around more, then got waters they were handing out.  We came back to the campground and went to Goodies to shop.  We each got a couple of shirts.  We used our $100 gift certificates we each had from CMA.  We bought rag tracks and other stuff to hand out when we witness with the rest of the money.

We went to the evening service.  Jay, our National Evangelist, gave the message tonight.  Jane gave a short message too.  Isaac. shared his testimony and it was so powerful and so touching.  Such a blessing to hear testimonies that build your faith and show you how good God is.  

We read our Bibles, went over our Bible Studies we are teaching, then played 3-13. I lost again!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday, 8/30/24, Happy 21st Anniversary Kimmy and Jared, packed the food and the last minute stuff, left at 10 for BayShore, Got everything set up quickly, Jim and Marsha are next to us

Pictures Vikki sent me today

Sooooo cute!
Bill’s message he shared was anointed by the Holy Spirit!  Afterwards we prayed for people who came forward for prayer.

Happy 21st Anniversary Kimmy and Jared.  We love you and are so thankful God brought you together.  

I called Kimmy to tell her Happy Anniversary.  We went and helped Goodies unpack.  Bill helped carry tubs in with the guys and then I helped inside put shirts out on tables according to size and type, then helped Bev put Bibles and other books, etc out on the table.  With everyone helping, it didn’t take long. 
Tomorrow we get to shop!!!

I FaceTimed with Vikki so I could see my sweetie Rehvyn.  He was so cute every time.  I sure am missing him.  I got to say hi to Hailey and Evan when they got to Vikki’s too!  

In the evening we went to the dining hall for their pasta bar and salad bar.  We sat with Ron and Barb.  The food was amazing!  They had so many toppings for our salads!   It was the best meal, plus dessert and lemonade, coffee or ice tea.  

We came back to the camper to read our Bibles than read for a short time before the service started.  A half hour before service we went back in the prayer room to pray with all of the state leadership.  We prayed together for our friend Dave Lisch who has stage 4 cancer that has spread throughout his body.  At the beginning of service, Ron showed a video of Dave and Chrissy and he told us about this journey so far and how they are praying and trusting God. Then he prayed for all of us at the rally.  It was really touching!

Bill gave the message at the evening service.  He did such a great job.  Many came up for prayer afterwards.  Paul gave his testimony and it was very good.  Paul’s wife, Debbie, sang a special song afterwards.  Lots of us went for ice cream at the Red Barn afterwards.  Bill and I had hot fudge sundaes.  Yum!  We outside and visited while we ate.

Read our Bibles and played 3-13 in the evening.  I lost!  I took my chocolate chip cookies out of the freezer and put them in small containers of 4, then labeled them.  I also labeled the ingredients on the blueberry crisp dessert I made. 

I put my splint on my hand, then went to bed.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thurs. 8/29/24, Packed the last minute stuff, got the camper closed up and trike loaded on the trailer, left for Bay Shore, Arrived, got golf cart, helped show people to their spots, visited with friends lots, ate chili

We got ready and packed the food, then packed the last minute stuff.  Bill hooked the trailer up and loaded the motorcycle.  Than we were off at around 10.  We stopped at Marie and Roy’s  to drop off something they had Bill order for them.  We called to let them know we were close and when we got to their house, there was Roy who’s 89 out by the road so we could just hand it to him and wouldn’t have to park the motor home and trailer.  He is just always so thoughtful and kind.

We got to BayShore and went and registered with Liz and visited with her and Dustin.  Then we unloaded the trailer and then parked the camper.  We are right across from the entrance.
We rode around in the golf cart and talked to friends, and helped people coming in to find their spots.  We read our Bibles and then Played 3-13 in the evening.  Bill won!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wed.,, 8/28/24, Happy Birthday Bill! I love you so much! Kenzie and Rehvyn FaceTimed me, Rehvyn can stand up now, went to therapy, great report, picked up sticks outside from yesterday’s storm, everyone came over to celebrate Bill’s Birthday, Fun time

Happy 76th Birthday to the love of my life!  I love you forever!

Bill and his girls!

Me FaceTiming with Rehvyn.  He learned how to stand up today.
I baked an Angel food cake and a white cake for Bill’s birthday celebration tonight
There were so many sticks in the yard from the storm.  Bill wanted to mow the lawn, and first had to take the Motorhome in to check the battery.  I surprised him and picked up all of those sticks plus some big branches that I hauled to the woods.  He was so happy when he got home he came and gave me a great big hug and told me thank you with a big smile on his face.
Evan and Peyton
Stacie, Wes, Gayla, Sue, Jared, Kimmy, Melissa, and Bill
Different view of the table with me in it.  
Jared, Rody and Bruce!  I am so thankful for these son-in-loves!  I’m glad they like hanging out together

 I got up at 5:30, made a blueberry crisp to sell at the Bake Sale Auction, and then  did my exercises in the morning.  I put worship music on.  I put worship music day which always makes my day better.  Kenzie and Rehvyn FaceTimed me.  I was so happy to see them.  Kenzie told me Rehvyn learned how to stand up now.  I didn’t get to see him do it because I had to hang up and go to therapy.  

Therapy went great.  She said about 4 times I was way ahead of any of her other patients who’ve had this.  She said I was phenomenal.  She is a real encourager, plus is an amazing OT therapist.  She said I was close to being discharged because I am doing so great.   She wants me to see what I have trouble doing with that hand now.  I could wring a washcloth out for the first time since surgery today.  Then I went to Aldi’s and could lift a 24 container of water bottles.   I am so thankful.  I told her about all of the miracles Bill has had and all the Miracle Melissa has had.  I told her about our names $ and 1 cent.  The family that makes sense.  She laughed and so did the other therapist in the room.  I told her how Vikki made us the cutest plaque with that on it.  

I went to Aldi and to Meijer after that and picked up a white cake and some ice cream for tonight, plus some things I needed for camping. I drove back to the camper to put the groceries I had gotten away.  The power to the refrigerator was off again.  I took the groceries in the house and put them away til Bill got it fixed.  Bill’s brother, Fred called and asked Bill to go to Lansing and pick some things up for them.  They are in Tawas celebrating their grandson’s first birthday  I carried light ones.  Bill really didn’t have time, but he made time.  Wes rode with him.  I got more things ready and packed more.  I called Bill and let him know the power was off to the refrigerator again.  I started the motorhome up and the refrigerator started again.  I called Bill and told him that and he said he and Wes would try to figure out what was wrong.  When he got home, he took the motorhome in to have the two batteries in the outside swings in to Battery Plus to get checked.  They said they were good.  I picked up lots of sticks while he was gone and put them on the fire pit.  The big branches were taken to the woods.  

At 6:30, people started coming, Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Eli came first.  Eli showed us the pens he made.  He has them in a nice case Bill gave him.  Melissa and Jack got here, then Vikki and Rody, then Stacie, then Bruce, Max and Evan.  Kimmy put frosting on the white cake since she couldn’t bake a cake like she wanted to because the power was still off.  I put some cute decorations on it.  Wes and Gayla came, then Sue came.  We all gathered around the table and sang happy birthday to him..  He blew his one candle I put on out.

We all ate cake and ice cream, and visited lots.  We all had such a nice time.

Tuesday, 8/27/24, packed camper, worked on Bible study with Bill we will be teaching, did lots of hand exercises, picked corn for Vikki, Sue and us

Deer Jared hit, or rather should I say it hit him.  It was running full speed.
During the storm

                                                    Video I took during the storm.
After the storm
Enjoy this wax melter so much!

Did my hand exercises first thing.  Kimmy called me and told me Jared hit a deer on his way to take Adam to school and go to work.  Bummer!  That’s two for their family and Bruce makes 3 for our whole family, not counting the one Hailey hit when she started driving.  I was sure glad they were ok.  He took the Jeep to Garber's to have them check it out.  

Bill and I read scriptures and worked on our Bible Study on Steadfastness.  I am teaching the lady's morning Bible Study at the Rally and Bill is teaching the men’s.  We had some good notes on Steadfastness to use too.  

Bill took his clothes out and packed them in the camper.  I packed mine and carried the light stuff out, but he had to carry the clothes baskets that were heavier.  I still can only lift 1-2 lbs. with my right hand.   I noticed today though that I can wring out the dishcloth.  I was so happy.  I couldn’t that yesterday yet.  Love seeing progress.  Melissa let me know there were supposed to be severe thunderstorms in Hope, then called back to say there were tornado warnings there.  I called Kimmy and she said the sirens were going off.  I sure prayed.  It hit us about a half hour later.  No tornado warnings here, just heavy rain (1 1/2 inches) and lots of wind.  Everybody here made it through safely.  Kimmy still doesn’t have power.  Jacob and Hailey did good at college.  Jacob did get caught in it walking.  

Sue called me to tell me how delicious the corn was we gave her.  She thought it was the best.  She is probably going to come celebrate Bill’s Birthday tomorrow night with us.

I made Salmon and baked potatoes and Bill picked more corn and husked it so we had that too.  Yum!  I picked more for Sue and then helped Bill pick some for Vikki til he sent me in to cook ours for dinner and he picked more for Vikki.  

I did more exercises....doing 4 times a day usually and if busy 3 times a day.  

Went over the Bible Study lesson again and packed more stuff.  Going over my camping list too and packing more.   

Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday, 8/26/24, Did hand exercises, baked chocolate chip cookies for RFS bake sale at Rally, got gas at Kroger with Bill, went to Melissa’s, went to therapy, went to Sam’s, went to Jack’s, baked another batch of cookies, picked tomatoes and corn and took them to Sue with some cookies too,

Eli is making such nice pens

My hand is healing nicely.  My therapist said it’s amazing and I won’t be there much longer.  Yay! Thank you God!

I did all of my exercises after I drank my coffee.  It takes a while since more get added each time I go.  I filled the bird feeders.  No more jelly needed as the orioles are all gone.  Hummingbirds are still coming though.  I baked a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies to take to our state rally for the bake sale Bev and I head up.  I went out in the camper and Bill showed me the new ceiling fan was hooked up and working now.  He had to cut the inside frame and put it in and it will be done.  It is so nice and works so well.  

I was getting ready to go to therapy and was just about to go out the door when they called and said another patient who lived far away came here for a doctor appt. and then came to therapy.  His appt. was at 2 and they wanted to know if I could trade times with him.  I told them yes, so went and got gas with Bill and then got Ice Capps and donuts and headed to Melissa’s.  Max was there so I gave him the Boston Creme.  He was pretty happy.  I was glad to see him.  Melissa and I visited and I gave each dog some treats.  I left to go to therapy and when I got out of my car a guy was getting into his truck and stopped to thank me for changing appointments with him.  I had been wondering if he was the one I traded with, so it was nice to find out it was.  

Therapy went great with new exercises and putty and a piece of foam to bring home to add to my collection.  My therapist is a hand specialist and sure was happy with how my hand is doing.  She does a great job!

I went to Sam’s and got some groceries, then went to Jack’s and got a few more.  Then I came home and Bill carried the groceries in for me and helped put them away.  

We warmed our left over meals from Zhenders up for dinner.  I called Sue to see if she wanted me to pick some corn and bring it to her.  Bill had to leave for an Elder’s meeting.  He told me the fan/vent in the camper was all done.  I was going to go look at it and totally forgot until dark.  I took the corn, some cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes and a green pepper to Sues, plus a container full of cookies.  She didn’t answer her phone, but did before I got to her house.  She was outside pulling weeds.  I am glad she is keeping busy and seemed to be doing good.  We visited for a while, then I headed home to do my hand exercises.  I talked to each of the girls and also texted some friends to let them know when Charlie’s memorial is going to be.  

Adam got his results from his MRI and has a torn ACL.  He will have to have therapy, then will have to have surgery.  I am so sad for him, but I know God works all things out for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28.  I have seen this many times over, so I always say “Yet will I trust Him”, another great scripture.  
I am praying for my sweet Adam.  


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday, 8/25,24, Happy Birthday Mark! Went to prayer, than church service, I took food to Sue and helped her load pictures and stuff in her car, Bill went to funeral home, Vikki, Rody, Bill and I went to Zhender’s to celebrate Bill and Rody’s birthdays, Worked on Bible Study Bill and I will be doing at Rally, It hit me about Charlie today so many tears

Bill got another storage container to store deck stuff.  We love our other two like it.  He found it on FaceBook Market Place
Isaac played the piano for us today and did absolutely amazing.  Beautiful music to my ears.
Vikki, Rody, Bill and I....we celebrated Rody and Bill’s Birthdays at Zhenders
Bill and Rody with all of our leftover food

Eli’s pens he made.  The glue is drying.  He is amazing at making them. Way to go Eli.

We went to prayer and then into our church service.  We sat behind the Shaw’s today because so many are coming to church, we didn’t get our spot we usually sit in.  I loved being behind them because they are such worshippers God’s and we love to worship too, so God inhabits our praises.  Teen Challenge was at our church and there were great and amazing testimonies of What God Has Done in Their Lives.  So encouraging and uplifting and moving.  

We came home and ate a PBJ to hold us over till we go to Zhenders.  I packed up some spaghetti and took it over to Sue to have for a couple meals.  It was so hot outside, I couldn’t have Bill take it.  I helped her load pictures, and picture books, plus Charlies Military stuff in her car.  Bill went to the funeral home with Sue, her niece,  Jeff R. and Matt S.  He was there 2 hours, then he picked me, Vikki and Rody up and we went to Frankenmuth.  We ate delicious food and had lots to bring home too.  We had fun being together and celebrating these two amazing Birthday Guys.  Bill gave Rody a tour of his childhood on our way to Frankenmuth and also when we left.  

Some pictures and memories of our dear friend Charlie who moved to heaven