Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday, 8/30/24, Happy 21st Anniversary Kimmy and Jared, packed the food and the last minute stuff, left at 10 for BayShore, Got everything set up quickly, Jim and Marsha are next to us

Pictures Vikki sent me today

Sooooo cute!
Bill’s message he shared was anointed by the Holy Spirit!  Afterwards we prayed for people who came forward for prayer.

Happy 21st Anniversary Kimmy and Jared.  We love you and are so thankful God brought you together.  

I called Kimmy to tell her Happy Anniversary.  We went and helped Goodies unpack.  Bill helped carry tubs in with the guys and then I helped inside put shirts out on tables according to size and type, then helped Bev put Bibles and other books, etc out on the table.  With everyone helping, it didn’t take long. 
Tomorrow we get to shop!!!

I FaceTimed with Vikki so I could see my sweetie Rehvyn.  He was so cute every time.  I sure am missing him.  I got to say hi to Hailey and Evan when they got to Vikki’s too!  

In the evening we went to the dining hall for their pasta bar and salad bar.  We sat with Ron and Barb.  The food was amazing!  They had so many toppings for our salads!   It was the best meal, plus dessert and lemonade, coffee or ice tea.  

We came back to the camper to read our Bibles than read for a short time before the service started.  A half hour before service we went back in the prayer room to pray with all of the state leadership.  We prayed together for our friend Dave Lisch who has stage 4 cancer that has spread throughout his body.  At the beginning of service, Ron showed a video of Dave and Chrissy and he told us about this journey so far and how they are praying and trusting God. Then he prayed for all of us at the rally.  It was really touching!

Bill gave the message at the evening service.  He did such a great job.  Many came up for prayer afterwards.  Paul gave his testimony and it was very good.  Paul’s wife, Debbie, sang a special song afterwards.  Lots of us went for ice cream at the Red Barn afterwards.  Bill and I had hot fudge sundaes.  Yum!  We outside and visited while we ate.

Read our Bibles and played 3-13 in the evening.  I lost!  I took my chocolate chip cookies out of the freezer and put them in small containers of 4, then labeled them.  I also labeled the ingredients on the blueberry crisp dessert I made. 

I put my splint on my hand, then went to bed.


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