Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday, 8/15/24, Pulled some weeds, made roast, carrots and potatoes, took Sue to pay a bill, then brought her to our house to have dinner, we went to see Charlie

I didn’t take any pictures today.  Started the day out with breakfast and coffee, then filled bird feeders and turned on the pool filter, then came in and read my Bible and my devotion book.  Bill read his at the same time.  I’m in Jeremiah now.  It mentions many times about people being led astray by their Shepards and everyone worshipping things other than the True God who created everything.  Says many times they needed to turn back to God and follow his commands, not their own ways.  They wanted to do evil back then too.  Only way to know His commands is to read the Bible and know His will for us.  I will almost be done with the Old Testament and back in the new.  

I peeled carrots which was a hoot with my right hand in a splint and plaster by my fingers.  I managed with my thumb and pointer finger which are out, but it sure wasn’t easy.  I ended up just washing the potatoes and when Bill came in from fixing a broken wire in the light of the trike, he poked the potatoes with a fork for me.  He cut up the onion for me.  Then he put it in the oven for me.  I listened to Sunday’s message I missed because of being in SS.  Took a twenty minute rest, and then went to pick up Sue to take her to pay a bill.  They were going to charge her because she didn’t have Charlie’s card it was charged on.  We will go back a different day and pay it for it without a fee.  We came to my house and had the roast, carrots, potatoes and applesauce.  Sue had seconds and so did I.  Sue and I had ice cream for dessert.  Bill wanted his ice cream later.  He sure helped me with putting the food in serving bowls, cutting the meat and washing the roaster pan afterward.   Sue and I went t visit Charlie afterwards.  He had eaten all of his chicken Alfredo for dinner.  We all had a really nice visit.   We talked about how we are family even though not blood related.  He grabbed my hand when it was time for us to leave and gave it a big long squeeze.  Then he blew Sue a kiss.  He has some favorite nurses and CNA’s who are his favorites and he is their favorite patient so that helps him lots while he has to be there. 

Relaxed, did my blog, and then going to bed. 



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