Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday, 8/25,24, Happy Birthday Mark! Went to prayer, than church service, I took food to Sue and helped her load pictures and stuff in her car, Bill went to funeral home, Vikki, Rody, Bill and I went to Zhender’s to celebrate Bill and Rody’s birthdays, Worked on Bible Study Bill and I will be doing at Rally, It hit me about Charlie today so many tears

Bill got another storage container to store deck stuff.  We love our other two like it.  He found it on FaceBook Market Place
Isaac played the piano for us today and did absolutely amazing.  Beautiful music to my ears.
Vikki, Rody, Bill and I....we celebrated Rody and Bill’s Birthdays at Zhenders
Bill and Rody with all of our leftover food

Eli’s pens he made.  The glue is drying.  He is amazing at making them. Way to go Eli.

We went to prayer and then into our church service.  We sat behind the Shaw’s today because so many are coming to church, we didn’t get our spot we usually sit in.  I loved being behind them because they are such worshippers God’s and we love to worship too, so God inhabits our praises.  Teen Challenge was at our church and there were great and amazing testimonies of What God Has Done in Their Lives.  So encouraging and uplifting and moving.  

We came home and ate a PBJ to hold us over till we go to Zhenders.  I packed up some spaghetti and took it over to Sue to have for a couple meals.  It was so hot outside, I couldn’t have Bill take it.  I helped her load pictures, and picture books, plus Charlies Military stuff in her car.  Bill went to the funeral home with Sue, her niece,  Jeff R. and Matt S.  He was there 2 hours, then he picked me, Vikki and Rody up and we went to Frankenmuth.  We ate delicious food and had lots to bring home too.  We had fun being together and celebrating these two amazing Birthday Guys.  Bill gave Rody a tour of his childhood on our way to Frankenmuth and also when we left.  

Some pictures and memories of our dear friend Charlie who moved to heaven

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