Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday, 8/18/24, Went to prayer, then church, lunch with Diane and James, nap in the afternoon, Joel’s Birthday Celebration in the evening

Gayla serving cake at Joel’s Birthday. Celebration
Yay! I get this off in the morning.  I can’t wait!!

We went to prayer, then into the church service.  Good worship this morning and a great message from Pastor Ken.  Many came up for prayer as the Holy Spirit moved.  

We went to Olive Garden after church with James and Diane.  It’s been a long time since we’ve gone out to eat with them.  We had such a nice time and the food was delicious.  

We came home and took a nice nap.  We enjoyed that.  Sue called me once and Vikki called twice, but I still got good rest.

We left at 6 to go to Joel’s 54th  birthday celebration.  Gayla made a delicious homemade chocolate cake and we all sang Happy Birthday, then we ate some.  We had a nice visit with them while we ate, and heard all about their birthday trip up by Traverse City.

We came home and read our Bibles and devotioms.


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