Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday, 8/5/24, Sue called early, Went out and hoed the weedy garden, I picked up all the weeds I threw in the bucket and also in piles around the garden, picked up dial antibiotic soap and a Covid test, packed and headed to our hotel close to U of M, Posted a prayer request for my surgery on our church prayer page, Got to our hotel, went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse right down from us a little ways, came back and relaxed in our hotel.

Garden all weeded before my surgery tomorrow

Lots of zinnias blossoming

Hibiscus is just loaded with blossoms every day

Our hotel room was so peaceful and very clean

I went out early to Joe the garden.  It was 72 outside nice weather.  How can so many weeds grow in a week????  I hoed out the   eMaimed at roots and then picked up the weeds and threw them in a big tub.  I did all around the inside of the garden and down most of the rows.  I had to redirect the watermelon plants.  If they touch the electric fence, they ground it and bunny can get in without a shock.  By the time I went in the house 3 1/2 hours had passed by.  I was so tired and thirsty that all I wanted to do was lay in my recliner and drink my ice water.  Sure felt good. I had the fan aimed at me too.  After I rested for a while, I took my shower, then packed for our hotel stay.  

Bill went to pay bills, then came home and picked up my weeds and pulled the last weeds out. The garden looks great. 

I did laundry, put what came from the camper back in the camper.  Evan called me and said I’m your favorite right nana, then said thank you and hung up.  They must have been playing the phone game.  I texted all three kids that they were all my favorites.  All my grandkids are my favorites!!!

Bill mowed the grass and I went to get the dial soap I need to shower with in the morning before my surgery. I also got two Covid tests.  I did one and I was negative. So thankful!

We packed the last minute things and headed to Ann Arbor.  We are staying at the Hilton Honors Hotel and it is so nice.  

We went to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner. So yummy!  

Came back and relaxed.  Going to bed early as I have to get up at 4:45

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