Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday, 8/4/24, Watched online New Life Church service, made eggs, bacon, potatoes and toast for brunch, Kenzie FaceTimed me, cleaned house, went to Jacob’s concert

Kenzie FaceTimed me and let me talk to Rehvyn.  He was so cute and had us laughing.  He put his pacifier in his right hand flat on the couch then put his mouth down on it and popped it in. That was our first laugh.   Then I was telling him goodbye and waving and he was in the position in this picture and rolled on his right side and waved at me with his left hand.  It was just so cute and funny at the same time.

Jacob playing with the Eddy Band

Me, Kimmy and Jared at the concert

Bill took this picture.  I sure would like to know what they are laughing about.

 I checked the jelly feeder and not much jelly was gone.  Usually is it totally empty.  Maybe our Orioles left while we were gone for the week. We watched our church service online.  It was on prayer and was so good.  We took communion when they did and used our wooden communion cups we got at the Jesus Experience in Florida when we took communion there.  I made eggs, bacon, potatoes, and toast for our Brunch.  

At two, Bill went to pick Max up and spend the day with him.  I cleaned the downstairs, except I will scrub the floor tomorrow.  I will also clean the upstairs tomorrow.  I hopefully can get up early and weed the garden by the plants and Bill can till between the rows.  Trying to get everything done before I have surgery Tuesday morning for Dupreyton’s Contracture on my right hand.  For a while I will be using my left hand which I am not too coordinated at.  

Kenzie FaceTimed me which I wrote about under the picture above.  It was such a fun time with both of them.  

In the evening, Bill and I went to Jacob’s last summer Eddy band concert.  Kimmy and Jared sat next to us but we left more space between us than usual because of being exposed to Covid.  Jacob came heading at us to give us big hugs, but we had to stop him.  I sure will make up for that big hug when we are over being careful.  There was a new conductor tonight from Saginaw Valley.  The band played great, but I didn’t like this concert as much as the rest I have been at.  

When we got home, we had ice cream with chocolate chips, chocolate, and cashews on it.  It sure tasted good.  Bill asked me to put another scoop of ice cream on his.  

I talked to Melissa and texted with Adam.  Talked to Vikki a couple of times today.  The kids were feeling better today.  

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