Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Wed., 8/21/24, Kimmy, Adam and Eli came over, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, We closed the pool, Bill went to Marine Corp League meeting

Bill, Eli, Isaac and Peyton working on covering the pool
Adam by the pond
Eli, Isaac and Peyton helping
Adam and Nana
Bill, Kit Kat, Peyton and me
Papa, Peyton and Eli
Vick, Isaac, Eli on the deck helping, and Adam
Pool cover on!!! Thank you Kimmy, Adam, Eli, Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, and Bill.  I wasn’t much help because of my hand, so sure do appreciate my wonderful family1

Kimmy had a dentist appointment at 10, so she stopped in and visited til she had to go.  Eli and I hung out and checked out the 11 pumpkins which are nice and big and orange already..
We also checked out the watermelon and the corn.  Bill picked some corn that was ready.  
We are waiting on the watermelon to get riper.  

When Kimmy came back, we were sitting on the deck and she and Bill decided it was a good day to close the pool.  I agreed because I can’t used it with my hand and all of the kids are back in school besides Eli.  Jacob and Hailey are going back to college, Jacob tomorrow and Hailey Saturday.  The eteperature as been pretty cold the past week at  nigh too. Kimmy vacuumed it and in a short time it was Chrystal clear.  She went to pick up Adam and I went to get pool chemicals to close it plus a cover.  When I got home Vikki and the twins were over too.  They all worked together and after Bill sawed the edge of the deck so the cover could be put on easier,(he made it look say to do, but Kimmy tried and said it wasn’t!  The cover went on easily after that and everyone was such a great help.  

We ate lunch and enjoyed hanging out together.

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