Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday, 8/23/24, Rody’s last day at Carollton Schools, Kimmy, and Eli were coming over, Sue called and wanted us to come see Charlie, Kimmy and Eli went to Vikki’s, Vikki, Kimmy and I went to see Charlie, went to Vikki’s, Melissa and Bruce went to see Charlie, I brought Eli to my house with me to work with Papa packing up pen making materials, Went to Kimmy and Jared’s, Sue called and Charlie passed away, We are so sad to lose such a great friend, but happy we will see him again!

Rody’s birthday is tomorrow.  Kenzie and Peyton made him a cake and decorated it .  
Hand progress today
I was happy Isaac and Peyton had the day off school so I could see them.  Kenzie was painting Peyton’s fingernails and they didn’t want me to take a picture.  

Eli and Papa gathering all the pen making stuff to take to Eli’s.  Eli is excited to get it and make pens.  This is the pen they made today.
Loading the equipment 

It’s a MSU pen.  Very cool!
Zinnias are getting more and more colors and taller everyday.  The corn behind them is getting ready now.  We had some for lunch today and it was delicious.
Relaxing on Kimmy and Jared’s nice deck while Eli organized his pen area.  Eli came and grilled hamburgers for us and Kimmy made fries.  Everything was delicious.
Papa and Eli looking things over

If you click on the picture you can see our goldfish swimming at the top of the pond.  They have grown so much.

I called Kimmy and she and Eli were almost here.  I told her that we had to go see Charlie because Sue called and said he was declining and his kidney’s were shutting down.  I told her Vikki and the kids didn’t have to be at school today, so she called Vikki and went to hang out there.  We saw Sue and Charlie and told Charlie he was a great friend and we loved him.  The nurse said he could hear us, but couldn’t respond.  We let Sue know we would be here if she needed us and left.  Bill and I ate lunch, then I went and picked up Vikki and Kimmy and took them up to see Charlie. They told him they loved him too.  We visited with Sue and her niece, Yvonne for a while then left.  We went back to Vikki’s and I got to see Peyton, Mykenzie, Eli and Isaac.  Sweetie Rehvyn was sleeping so I didn’t wake him, but I sure loved seeing him.  I visited for a while, then Eli and I came to our house because papa wanted Eli to help him pack up the pen equipment and load it on the trailer and they also made a MSU pen together with Bill showing Eli how to use the equipment.  Eli was sure excited to show us the pen.  It was just amazing!  I rode with Kimmy in her van and Eli and Bill rode in the truck.  We got to Kimmy’s at the same time.  Jared came out and helped unload everything.  Then Eli organized stuff. I walked through Kimmy’s gardens on my way to the house. I gave Adam a hug and then we visited on their deck.  It is so comfy and beautiful under their gazebo.  It was so relaxing to sit and watch the birds.   Eli made the best burgers on the grill for us.  We all had cheese except Bill of course.  The fries were yummy too.  There was also barbecue chicken, but I was too full to try it.  We went back out on the deck after we ate.  Sue called and let us know Charlie passed away.  We were all sad, but glad he doesn’t have to suffer.  We let the girls know, Bill let our pastor know, and we also let Wes and Gayla and Stacie know.  They were all sad too.  We got home and I did my hand exercises.  My hand is so much better already.  I love not having it in the splint much.

My niece, Tammy, is here from Colorado because her Aunt died.  We are getting together with her in the morning for breakfast and bringing her here and to Vikki’s to visit.  I’m excited.

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