Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sat., 8/17/24, Went to pick up bread box for Kimmy, took Sue and Charlies card f0r Max and Hailey’s camping chair to Melissa’s, Visited James, went to Culver’s, Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Eli came over, Kimmy caulked cupboard by stove


Me and James
James and Bill

Me and Bill at Culver’s having concrete mixers
Adam with his injured leg and crutch

We ate breakfast, then read our Bibles.  I went to pick up a. breadbox we saw at the antique store yesterday.  Kimmy thought about getting it but didn’t.  She called last night and asked me to get it today for because it’s close to. my house.  I was  happy to go get it.  
after I picked it up,  I headed to Melissa’s to drop off Max’s card and Hailey’s camping chair.  Then I picked up some gift cards because the points were quadrupled.  I came home and Bill checked to see what time was a good time to so see James.

We went to see James and he was waiting for us on the porch.  He put on some of his favorite Christian songs and old us several times how good God is and all he has done for Him.  He reminded me of how Barb gave God so much glory he other day.  His apartment is so nice.  He took us on a tour of it.  Then we went with him to the park area.  It was so nice and had a huge gas fire pit.  James started it and it really gave heat off even far away.  We talked for a while, then went back into his apartment.and visited more.  We had such a nice time.  We left and went to Culver’s for Concrete Mixers.  Yum.  Kimmy called to see where we were and I told her we were leaving for home.  They were heading to our house.  We got home and Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Eli got there shortly after us. We visited and Kimmy and I went out to watch the goldfish in our pond.  Kimmy got to see the frog in the water too.  After that she calked the cupboard by the stove where the new cupboard was put in.  At around 6:30 we checked to see if Kenzie was still coming, but she said she couldn’t an would just have her mom give us the stuff she wanted to bring for us.  Kimmy, Jared and the boys got ready to leave.  Bill anointed Adam and we all prayed for him for healing.  They had to go to the fair to check on stalls and make sure sheep were watered.
bill and I ate and then watched The 
trump Rally in Pennsylvania.  So good!

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