Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday, 8/11/24, Went to prayer, taught Sunday School with Cassy, Helped set up fellowship Hall for Max’s graduation party, The Party went great, went to Melissa's


We went to prayer, than worship and church service.  I left after worship and taught Sunday School with Cassy.  She’s the leader of the elementary grades.  She’s young and has an amazing love for the Lord and love for kids.  She’s doing a great job.  She helped me today because I can’t use my right hand and there was a cool water activity today and I can’t get my splint wet.  We had fun doing it and Kristen was in with Thomas so the three of us had fun with the kids.  After church, we visited for a while, then I went to get subs for Bill and I because we didn’t eat in the morning.  Roy and Marie were at Subway when I walked in.  I Was so happy to see them.  Guess we had the same good idea.

When I got back to church, Melissa, Bruce, Hailey, Jack and Evan were there.  Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Eli got there a few minutes later.  The church had tables set up already, but we needed to set up one more.  Nice not having to set tables and chairs up, then have to take them down later.  Nice our church just let us use the room for free too!  It didn’t take long and everything was decorated and looked so nice.  I could only help with easy things because of my hand being in a splint.  People started coming a few minutes after 4 and all seemed to come around the same time and stayed for a long time.  It was so much fun!  When Max got there, he headed right for the dessert cups Bruce made “dirt” in.  That’s Max’s favorite dessert!  They had lots of bowls with gummy worms, Kit Kat cut in small pieces, Reeses Pieces, and so many other toppings to put on.  It was so funny that Max headed to that first thing.  Bruce had delicious homemade pulled pork, coleslaw and potato salad, plus lots of pizza’s.  Other desserts they had were chocolate chip cookies Kimmy and Bill and I made and a yummy graduation cake!

We missed Vikki.  She tested positive for Covid still.  She came down with it because she had all the sick kids stay at her house, so none of the rest of us would get it. She is such a sweet person!

Bruce’s dad started taking all the center pieces off the tables around 6:15.  They told him the party went til 7, but he kept going, then all the guys started taking the one half of the rooms table cloths off and cleaning up.  Chrystal, Michael and Noelle came and 
Chrystal asked if they were too late when she saw them cleaning up.  We told her no and Melissa, Hailey and I sat with them.  Bill came and visited for a while too.  Then at 7 everyone started cleaning up.  Crystal and family stayed, so I visited with them and held sleepy Noelle for a while.  I felt bad not being able to help, but with my right hand out of commission, I couldn’t have done much anyway.  I sure loved seeing Chrystal and family getting to visit with them.  They are such sweet friends.

I went to Melissa’s after the party because I forgot to bring Max’s card, so I wanted to give it to him.  It was such a fun day

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