Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tues., 8/13/24, Cleaned the washer and dryer, made stuffed green peppers and meatloaf with Bill helping with what I couldn’t;t do. went tp prayer

Still lots of blossoms every day!  The vinegar, dawn soap and water mixture took care of the bugs on it.
Kimmy’s Zinnias along the stepping stones look so pretty now

Pretty bouquet Marie and Roy picked and brought me tonight
Pretty flowers our church sent me
Max was watching with me to see how Bruce and Bill were going to get the heavy washer in place...They took it off the dolly and both slid it in place

Sue called me in the morning for prayer.  Charlie called Bill at the same time and asked him to pick up protein drinks for Sue.  He wants Bill to come visit which made Bill happy and me happy too.  I made us coffee and we read our Bibles and did devotions.  I wiped down the washer and dryer.  Then Bill hooked the dryer up 

I filled bird feeders that needed filling and put suet in the suet feeder.  I watered some plants because it's been so dry out.  I made stuffed peppers and meatloaf.  I was able to do everything but cut the last two tops off the green peppers, lift the mixing bowl up and put the stuff in the oven.  I had made extra to give some to Sue, so the pan was heavy. I mixed the ingredients with the mixer since I couldn’t use my hands.  It made it very easy.  I set the timer and when it went off, Bill got the stuff out of the oven for me.  He didn’t know the meatloaf pan had two pans together and only picked it up by the top draining pan. the other pan with all of the hot grease dropped on the floor and the grease went all over the middle of the floor.  Praise God none got on Bill.  That would have burned him badly.  He cleaned up what he could with paper towels, then asked where the mop was and was going to mop it up.  I told him it had to be cleaned up with rags and hot water and dawn.  I went to get a wash tub to put the hot water and some Dawn in, and when I came back in the kitchen, Bill had squirted lots of 8 shapes of Dawn all over the floor.  Yikes.  I told him a little Dawn Powerwash goes a long way, so I took paper towels and cleaned off as much 
Dawn as I could.  Then I kept wiping up the floor and rinsing my rags out that were overflowing with suds.  I ate a few bites of my waiting dinner, then put the rest in the refrigerator for later.  I told Bill he would have to keep rinsing the soap out of the rags.  I had to go to Prayer night at church.

Worship and prayer were really good.  Then we got into groups of 4 and prayed the Scriptures over leadership and others we had to pray for.  On our way out when we were done, Marie told me they had flowers for me. I offered to drive up by their car, but Roy said he would walk them to my car.  He’s 89 years old.  He prayed for me in Prayer before service on Sunday and prays so powerfully and sweetly.  

When I came home, everything was put away and the dishes that couldn’t go in the dishwasher were done.  Bill had the screen door parts back on and the old dryer door back on.  The washer was hooked up and ready to use.  I tried them out and did two loads of laundry very quickly.  I’m so glad to have fast effecient laundry machines again.  Yay!
Bill got the last load out for me.  


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