Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thurs. 8/29/24, Packed the last minute stuff, got the camper closed up and trike loaded on the trailer, left for Bay Shore, Arrived, got golf cart, helped show people to their spots, visited with friends lots, ate chili

We got ready and packed the food, then packed the last minute stuff.  Bill hooked the trailer up and loaded the motorcycle.  Than we were off at around 10.  We stopped at Marie and Roy’s  to drop off something they had Bill order for them.  We called to let them know we were close and when we got to their house, there was Roy who’s 89 out by the road so we could just hand it to him and wouldn’t have to park the motor home and trailer.  He is just always so thoughtful and kind.

We got to BayShore and went and registered with Liz and visited with her and Dustin.  Then we unloaded the trailer and then parked the camper.  We are right across from the entrance.
We rode around in the golf cart and talked to friends, and helped people coming in to find their spots.  We read our Bibles and then Played 3-13 in the evening.  Bill won!

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