Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday., 8/1/24 Day 6 at Bayshore, texted with Adam, went to classes, ate lunch, Joel came up, Melissa, Bruce, Jack, Abby and Badger came up, Visited with Joel at Wes and Gayla’s, They came to have pizzas with us and so did Ron and Barb, went to worship and church, played 3-13,

Breakfast in the morning 
Jessie (Youth Dean), Peyton and Bridgett
Peyton took lots of pictures with friends

Evan. being silly

Hailey doing her .5 selfies with Evan and Peyton’s friends
Paul, Melissa and Jack visiting
Paul and Hailey
Evan holding Isaac in the water
Peryton holding twins
Joel and I
Gayla, Jack, Melissa, Hailey, Bill, Wes, Joel, Ron, and Barb eating pizza
Vikki, Melissa, Jack and Gayla eating pizza
Took another picture with Peyton in it
Isaac, silly Evan,  and Hailey

Texted with Adam, then got ready, we all ate breakfast and then went to our classes.  When we got out of class at noon, Gayla sent me a message that they were at the pool swimming with Joel.   Melissa, Bruce, and Jack came to spend the day.  We went down to visit with Joel when he was done swimming.
The kids had fun hanging out together.  They really bonded with each other during this camping trip.  We all love BayShore!  In the evening, we had Gayla, Wes, Bev, and Ron come down and join us for pizza.  After Wes, Gayla, Ron and Bev left, we took the Clam down.  It said it was going to rain for a short time on Friday, so we didn’t want to take it down wet.  We went to worship and the evening service which were both so good.  We came 
back to the camper and Vikki, Bill and I played 3-13.  Vikki won!

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