Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sat.. 8/10/24, Went to Faith Riders Meeting, Bill mowed the lawn, Bill loaded stuff in truck for Max’s party tomorrow, dropped off some food at Vikki’s porch, watched a movie


Apples Bill picked off our apple tree

I only took this one picture today,  I played worship music in the morning.  We went to Faith Rider’s Chapter Meeting today.  It was our Memorial and Memorial ride for members who have passed away.  Bill rode the trike and I drove in the car because of my hand being in the healing process.  We had a good breakfast and good fellowship, then the meeting started.  I was so touched when all of the officers shared and Bill shared as State Coordinator.  Paul, their area rep that took our place shared too.  They are all such special servants of the Lord and have hearts for Jesus.  They sue glorified the Lord!  God is doing amazing things in the chapter.  Bill decided to come home and mow the grass instead of going on the ride.  

We read our Bibles.  We both rested for about an hour first.  He mowed the grass, while I ordered some things.
I went outside to sit on the swing with Kit Kat.  It was cool out so I took a blanket.  Vikki called to see what I was doing. She hasn’t been able to go get groceries, so wanted to cook meatloaf and asked if I could pick some items up for her,  I had peppers in the garden so picked fresh ones to take her from here.  Picked some cherry tomatoes too and took some to her.  I have enough green peppers to make stuffed peppers, so picked some ground chuck up for me too.  Picked a couple of surprise things up for Vikki too.  She sent me Apple Pay but I didn’t let her pay for the surprises.  She has been such a blessing having Evan and Hailey spend time with them and doing fun things with them.

There was a fatal 4 car accident a mile and a fourth from our house.  When I came back from Vikki’s I had to do a U turn and go back to the last road to go around it.  I made sausage and pancakes for dinner, ate, cleaned up. the kitchen with Bill’s help, then left to go
with Melissa and Hailey to get balloons. We went three places and didn’t find any graduation balloons that were cute.  I headed back home and still had to go around the accident.  I prayed lot for those involved and their families.  

Bill and I watched a movie.  It was a Christian movie but it sure was tense.  Worked on the blog after that.

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