Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wed., 8/7/24, Good day! Hand feels great, fed fish in pond, fed birds, picked up free covid tests from the library,Bill and I made dinner together, talked to all of the girls lots

My hand splint I wear until August 19th. it has plaster in it

Our handsome grandson Eli has band camp this week and is having fun even if it is hard work. I can’t wait to see him in the marching band

The zinnias Kimmy started and gave me are so pretty

Some more pictures of Peyton and Isaac and their Youth Group friends and leaders during Serve Week.  They sure had fun and sure worked hard.  They had Bible studies too.  

Peyton and Charlotte

Isaac making a basket

Slept in my recliner until 6:15 this morning so my hand would be elevated.  Then I went to bed for the next three hours and slept really good.  No swelling in my hand and I didn’t need any pain med after 2:15 p.m.   I can use my fingers which is nice!  Bill went and got some groceries for me after he read his Bible.  I sat outside on the deck and read my Bible and prayed.  I gave Kit Kat some attention too.  I relaxed for a half hour, then Bill grilled chicken, I made air roasted potatoes, and we also had peas.  I dipped mine in Maple Grill sauce and they were yummy.  Bill cleaned up the grill and the kitchen for me.  He’s being so sweet and helping Mme so much.  All of the girls are checking on me too.  Evan tested negative for Covid today so that was good.  

I hunted for a 6th grade picture of Max.  Bill helped me and we found the tub with the frames but no pictures.  I found the pictures in manilla envelopes.  It was so much fun looking at all the grandkids pictures from little up.  It brought tears to my eyes.  I sure love all of those grandkids.  I got a really nice card from my friend Vikki today.  My sister, Brenda texted me and said they are coming to Max’s party.That makes me happy!

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