Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wed.,, 8/28/24, Happy Birthday Bill! I love you so much! Kenzie and Rehvyn FaceTimed me, Rehvyn can stand up now, went to therapy, great report, picked up sticks outside from yesterday’s storm, everyone came over to celebrate Bill’s Birthday, Fun time

Happy 76th Birthday to the love of my life!  I love you forever!

Bill and his girls!

Me FaceTiming with Rehvyn.  He learned how to stand up today.
I baked an Angel food cake and a white cake for Bill’s birthday celebration tonight
There were so many sticks in the yard from the storm.  Bill wanted to mow the lawn, and first had to take the Motorhome in to check the battery.  I surprised him and picked up all of those sticks plus some big branches that I hauled to the woods.  He was so happy when he got home he came and gave me a great big hug and told me thank you with a big smile on his face.
Evan and Peyton
Stacie, Wes, Gayla, Sue, Jared, Kimmy, Melissa, and Bill
Different view of the table with me in it.  
Jared, Rody and Bruce!  I am so thankful for these son-in-loves!  I’m glad they like hanging out together

 I got up at 5:30, made a blueberry crisp to sell at the Bake Sale Auction, and then  did my exercises in the morning.  I put worship music on.  I put worship music day which always makes my day better.  Kenzie and Rehvyn FaceTimed me.  I was so happy to see them.  Kenzie told me Rehvyn learned how to stand up now.  I didn’t get to see him do it because I had to hang up and go to therapy.  

Therapy went great.  She said about 4 times I was way ahead of any of her other patients who’ve had this.  She said I was phenomenal.  She is a real encourager, plus is an amazing OT therapist.  She said I was close to being discharged because I am doing so great.   She wants me to see what I have trouble doing with that hand now.  I could wring a washcloth out for the first time since surgery today.  Then I went to Aldi’s and could lift a 24 container of water bottles.   I am so thankful.  I told her about all of the miracles Bill has had and all the Miracle Melissa has had.  I told her about our names $ and 1 cent.  The family that makes sense.  She laughed and so did the other therapist in the room.  I told her how Vikki made us the cutest plaque with that on it.  

I went to Aldi and to Meijer after that and picked up a white cake and some ice cream for tonight, plus some things I needed for camping. I drove back to the camper to put the groceries I had gotten away.  The power to the refrigerator was off again.  I took the groceries in the house and put them away til Bill got it fixed.  Bill’s brother, Fred called and asked Bill to go to Lansing and pick some things up for them.  They are in Tawas celebrating their grandson’s first birthday  I carried light ones.  Bill really didn’t have time, but he made time.  Wes rode with him.  I got more things ready and packed more.  I called Bill and let him know the power was off to the refrigerator again.  I started the motorhome up and the refrigerator started again.  I called Bill and told him that and he said he and Wes would try to figure out what was wrong.  When he got home, he took the motorhome in to have the two batteries in the outside swings in to Battery Plus to get checked.  They said they were good.  I picked up lots of sticks while he was gone and put them on the fire pit.  The big branches were taken to the woods.  

At 6:30, people started coming, Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Eli came first.  Eli showed us the pens he made.  He has them in a nice case Bill gave him.  Melissa and Jack got here, then Vikki and Rody, then Stacie, then Bruce, Max and Evan.  Kimmy put frosting on the white cake since she couldn’t bake a cake like she wanted to because the power was still off.  I put some cute decorations on it.  Wes and Gayla came, then Sue came.  We all gathered around the table and sang happy birthday to him..  He blew his one candle I put on out.

We all ate cake and ice cream, and visited lots.  We all had such a nice time.

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